Chapter 4

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True to his word, Taron was laying in the bed next to me when I woke up at 7 am. I had an early start today because I had a meeting with a new prospective client. They were interested in getting me to run their social media for them and I was happy to discuss their business with them.

I wasn't working to my full capacity yet and I still had a fair bit of free time so I wanted to fill that up. Partly to help with the boredom when Taron wasn't around and partly because I wanted to at least contribute a little bit to the life Taron had made for us both.

It's no secret that successful actors get paid well; there are countless news stories about rich Hollywood actors and their famous lifestyles. Yet it's a bit different when you're actually living it. It's also a bit different when you're the partner who isn't also an actor. It can make you feel inadequate so I like to fill my time with work I enjoy doing. It doesn't pay too badly either and it means I can live a flexible lifestyle.

"Morning" Taron's voice filled my ears and I smiled a little as I dried my hair from my shower
"Sorry - I didn't mean to wake you," I said truthfully, although I couldn't hide the little bit of pleasure I had in my voice at the thought that he was awake - I couldn't stand lonely mornings.

"It's hard not to be awake when your girlfriend is so heavy-footed" He joked and I laughed with him. Although my mind was a little preoccupied with what I was going to wear for the meeting. Not that my bottom-half really mattered as the meeting was over Skype, but I always thought, if you felt good then the confidence would radiate off you.

"Wear the black dress" Taron stated, as if reading my mind was no big deal to him.
"Yeah" He repeated, "A black dress always looks good and you'll look professional if you wear one" Taron explained and I smiled a little. He was right - you couldn't go wrong with a black dress.

"Anyway, I better get ready too - Dexter wants to meet me for breakfast, apparently he's got something to discuss with me" Taron casually said and I got butterflies a little bit. Probably on Taron's behalf more than anything. It was so weird how he'd got so used to meeting with these important people, he'd really taken it in his stride. I was happy for him although a part of me was a little jealous - how could he get on with people so quickly?

As Taron walked over to the en-suite to get into the shower I had already started a quick make-up look in front of the full-length mirror next to the door. Once that was done I started blow drying my hair - by which time Taron had a towel wrapped around his waist and was heading to the big window for a cigarette.

"I don't know how I haven't smoked in front of them lot yet," Taron said, as he pulled a cigarette from the packet on the desk. The truth was, Taron still smoked a lot, but he was very conscious of the image it gave him and so he was very careful as to not do it in front of the people he was trying to make an impression on.

"Do you think they'd mind if they found out?" I ask, glancing over to where Taron was leaning out of the window. Luckily we were a few stories up so even if there were paps below they couldn't really see him from here.
"They do know, they just haven't seen it and I'd hate for there to be pictures of me in the paper with one of these awful things in my hand" Taron looks down at the cigarette he's holding out of the window.

Like most smokers, Taron hated cigarettes and he hated the fact that he hadn't managed to kick the habit yet. To him, it felt like a stain that had been left from his past and for a second he thinks back to those cold nights he'd spend in the park with those awful people, smoking roll ups and drinking cheap beer in cans.

"Maybe you should quit," I say and Taron gives me a look as if to say that what I'd just said was a stupid idea, "I have" I add
"But you didn't really smoke, did you?"

I couldn't argue with that. The truth was I had only smoked on odd occasions - usually when I was upset or drunk and I was both of those things for a while after mum and dad died.

"Hopefully this client likes me and wants me to run their social media" I think out loud to Taron who was now on his second cigarette, "At least then I'll be sitting around less often - they may even want monthly meetings"

The other clients that I had were more than happy for me to just get on with their social posts. They rarely asked for analytics or to see me - they were content with the work I was doing for them and just having a quick scroll through their business' social profile every once in a while was enough for them.

This particular prospect had come from a referral from an existing client who was happy with the work I did for them.

"It's good that you're getting more business, babe" Taron said and I could feel his eyes on me as I sat at the desk.

"It keeps me busy" I smile, opening up my laptop

"Well I'd better get ready for this breakfast meeting - don't want to be late," Taron says, but I hear him walking over to me, "Can I get a kiss first though" I look over my shoulder at him smirking.

After SuperimposedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon