Chapter 9

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The next few months were a complete blur if I'm honest. What with the lifestyle we already had with Taron traveling around so much. By the time I was 6 months pregnant Taron was busy promoting Rocketman. He was doing interviews left right and centre and wasn't even with me for most of the scans that I had. Almost all of the interviewers mentioned that he was going to be a dad - even if it was just a quick congratulations. Others did try to interrogate him about it a bit, even though his team had told the media companies to not ask anything.

It didn't bother me too much to be honest; I was busy too with more clients than I've ever had since I started being a freelancer. If anything it was a bit of a struggle to fit in all the appointments.

My tummy was growing slowly but steadily and it was weird to look back on older photos and realise just how much I had grown. I was grateful to be at home; in fact, Taron had insisted that I didn't travel with him like I used to. Not that he was away for as long as we were when he was actually filming.

There were mixed responses from the media and I noticed more paps taking photos of me when I did venture out of our London house for hospital appointments or face-to-face meetings with clients. Some were saying that they were right all along and that the birth of this baby would be the end of Taron's career. Others said that they were happy for us and that now was a great age to become parents.

One thing that I was finding really hard was the fact that my parents aren't here to meet their grandchild. I don't have my parents here to help with anything like other people do. Lisa had offered her services many times and I said I would accept her help when I needed it, but it didn't make the hole in my heart ache any less.

My child would never meet their grandparents; that was something that I thought about often and I also thought about how I would eventually tell them about mum and dad and why they aren't here.

"They're watching over you" Everyone would say; including all of my friends who were so excited to be aunties and uncles.
Most of my friends were actually Taron's, they just hung out with us both and once I was pregnant I found myself meeting with them on my own. A lot of them wanted to make sure I was okay and offered their support when Taron wasn't around. 

Hugh Jackman was actually one of the nicest guys and often beat everyone in terms of offering his time whenever he could. He and Taron had got quite close since they did Eddie The Eagle together. Rightfully so, as he'd got older, Taron wasn't friends with just anyone. He'd choose people carefully and it was a hard thing to do when you're surrounded by people who are often fake or chauvinistic. 

Other people told me, "Well they might not have their grandparents, but they'll have famous aunties and uncles". I had to roll my eyes at that one. The people that said that didn't know any famous people in any proper capacity which didn't surprise me. A lot of people think that being friends with famous people is way more extravagant than it actually was. 

We're all people at the end of the day - just because they'd appeared on screen a few times didn't make them necessarily special. I didn't even try to explain that I'd much rather have my parents here because the people who'd said things like that would probably respond with something about how ungrateful I'm being and how I'm in a privileged position. No one understands what it's like to be in this position until they are actually in it. Just like anything in life really.

Although I did think about things a lot, I was often occupied with other things. Laregly because in six months we'd sold out pokey flat and moved into a move spacious 3 bedroom house. That's a stressful job and as awful as it sounds, money wasn't an issue and we were really lucky in that sense. So many young families struggle with money, but that wasn't us.

That's not to say that we didn't have our own fair share of problems and stress. Just because my boyfriend is 'rich and famous doesn't mean we're protected from all the other life problems. In some cases, the 'famous' bit caused more problems than it solved. 

"I'm home" Taron called out from the front door downstairs and a smile crept on my face as I sat in the study. One of the reasons we'd got a three-bedroom house was so that one of the bedrooms could become my office.

"Look what I brought" Taron coos as he appears at the study door. He was holding up a tiny pair of white Adidas trainers.
"Babe!" I gasp, as much as I wanted to get up to go to him I knew my large tummy wouldn't allow for it and Taron had already started to make his way over to me.
"The tabloids are going to be all over this," I say, "Someone must've seen you buying these" I continue, Taron placed the tiny shoes in my hands.
He shrugs, "A dads gotta buy his kid shoes"

We had chosen not to know the gender of our baby until they were born so we made sure that everything we brought was gender-neutral - nothing too pink and nothing too blue.

"I can't believe we only have 2 months to go before we get to meet them," Taron said softly, putting his hand on my tummy, "Hey, daddy loves you" He whispers to the bump, and my eyes well up with tears. If there's one thing to note about being pregnant it's that your emotions are everywhere all the time. It's like being due on your period all the time - you're either crying over everything, angry at everything or really sad and sometimes, somehow, all three at the same time.
"Thank you for staying" I blurted out my thoughts a little abruptly which made Taron's eyes flick up to meet mine.
"I told you we would work this out together" He smirks a little, leaning forward to kiss me on the cheek, "I love you" 

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