Family Reunion Of Hell

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Requested by: nobody

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"Hot chocolate everyone!" M'gann cried out from the kitchen, before flying over to the living room, handing out everyone a mug of hot chocolate before snuggling close to Conner. It was five days before Christmas, the cave was all decorated; there was tinsel everywhere and mistletoe hiding in the most special places. This was going to be the team's first Christmas with all of their newest members, last year it was just the seven original members now it was more than seven. M'gann had somehow gotten a huge tree for the team to decorate, which they had just finished doing.

"Hey, does anyone know where Artemis and Wally are?" Zatanna asked, looking around for her favorite ship. "I haven't seen them for a while,"

"Wally has a family reunion he needs to attend, so he and Artemis are going together. But it's not as much as a family reunion but a 'family reunion of hell' as he likes to call it" Nightwing said, shivering at the thought of Wally's family reunion.

"How is it a family reunion of hell?" M'gann asked, confused as she took a sip of her hot chocolaty beverage.

"Well, for starters, Wally says that his family doesn't get along... ever. He says that every time they get together there's always some kind of trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Zatanna asked, intrigued about what caused Wally's family such trouble.

"Well, the one time I was ever invited to was horrific. When Wally introduced me to his family, his family thought that we were a GAY couple. They were really happy so Wally and I decided to just go with it.... until his family wanted us to KISS. Let me tell you this, his entire family was sitting on the edge of their seat waiting to see us kiss. When we wouldn't kiss, his entire family began chanting 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' And when we finally stopped the act, Wally's 98 year old great grandma Maurice, burst into tears! It took five of Wally's family members to take care of Maurice. And while that was happening the rest of his family was taking care of another problem. You see, while Wally's family was chanting 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' someone else was actually kissing... in the hallway. For this, you need to understand that Wally's second cousin twice removed was a bit of a playboy. He was handsome, smart, strong, he was basically the next Channing Tatum. So, while five of Wally's family members were consulting Maurice, Wally's second cousin twice removed, his name is Jasper by the way, was making out with Wally's aunt, Lucie. And if you didn't know, Aunt Lucie was already married to a guy named Jack. So when Jack opened the closet thinking it was the bathroom, Jasper and Lucie were inside making out, without any shirts on. So obviously Jack was furious, he started yelling, catching everyone's attention. Jack yelled out 'HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF I DID THAT TO SOMEONE ELSE?!' and he grabbed the closest person to him and kissed them. And that closest person to him was Wally's aunt Iris. Now Iris was married to Barry Allen, Flash, so when Barry arrived late and found his wife kissing another man, he obviously went berserk. So, Wally and I had to hold Barry from killing Jack, while Mary and Rudy, Wally's parents, were yelling at Barry about what happened. While Wally and I were holding Barry down, Victoria, Lucie and Jack's one year old, somehow managed to climb to the top of one of the bookshelves that were in the living room. After that everyone was focused on the baby, Barry and Iris got to talk to Barry and he finally stopped trying to kill Jack, but Iris did dump a glass punch on his head. Jack and Lucie got a divorce, she's now with Jasper which is very disturbing. And Jack has full custody over Victoria, and turns out Wally's great grandma Maurice wasn't crying because we weren't a gay couple, she was crying because she spilled red wine onto her white blouse. So that family reunion really was one from hell." Nightwing said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Oh," Zatanna started slowly, as she tried to process what Robin had said.

"My," M'gann said, sitting straight. Conner had a look of slight shock on his face, which is a lot of emotions. Kaldur was frozen, his hot chocolate long forgotten. Cassie had a hand covering her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing. Garfield was practically in the same condition as Cassie and Jaime had a small smile on his face.

"God!" Zatanna and M'gann screamed at the same time.

"You're not actually serious are you? I mean nobody's family is that bad... right?" Cassie said, hesitantly.

"I don't know Hermana, from what I've heard the team was pretty crazy before we joined." Jaime said, putting down his mug of hot cocoa.

"Yeah, but this is KID FLASH we're talking about... no wait, now that I think about it, it would explain why he's so... um what's the word?" Garfield said, trying to find the right word to describe the team's speedster.






"Nah, that's not it. Um... he's so... SPONTANEOUS!" Garfield suddenly screamed, scaring everyone slightly.

"That's what I said," Mal muttered, pressing his cup to his lips. "But seriously, there is no way in hell that anything you just said was true." Mal said, stubbornly.

"You'll just have to see once Artemis and Wally come back from the reunion." Nightwing said, nonchalantly.

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆ Meanwhile, with our favorite ship.

Wally and Artemis had just arrived at the restaurant where the family reunion was being held.

"Well, we're here..." Wally said, putting his car in park. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean we can just go back to your place and watch Alice In Wonderland." He said, shifting in his seat nervously.

"Baywatch I'm sure," Artemis replied, putting her left hand over Wally's slightly vibrating knee.

"Are you sure you want to come? My family is kind of... crazy."

"Wally, my family has tried to kill, drug, maim, capture and torture us... on multiple occasions. I'm sure I can handle your family."

"Are you extremely sure because I don't you to do something that you aren't sur-"

"Oh my god Baywatch! What's the big deal? I mean I've met your parents and your Aunt Iris and Uncle Barry already! So what is the big deal about me meeting your other family members? We've been dating for almost two years, so WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL WALLACE?!" Artemis screamed, loudly. "Do you not want me here? Cause I can go." She said, walking out of the car to the front of its hood.

"No Artemis wait! Please don't go. It's just that my cousins are kind of... extremely hot. They attract every girl that ever sets eyes on them. And I'm just scared that you might realize that I'm not good enough for you. That I will never be enough for you..." Wally said, rubbing the back of neck embarrassed by his confession.

"Wally, you have nothing to worry about. Don't you think I would've left already if you weren't enough for me?" Artemis jokes lightly, taking Wally's hands in hers. Wally cracks a smile as he looks at her, green eyes shining brighter than any star in the sky.

"God, I love you so much." Wally whispered softly, leaning close to kiss his girlfriend. But Artemis pulled away at the last second as Wally's words registered inside her head.

"Woah woah woah, did you just say 'I love you'?" her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Um... maybe?" He mumbled, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. "You don't have to say it if you don't feel the same. IjustwantedtotellyouthatIloveyou,I'msorryifIfreakedyouout..." he uttered out quickly, his words coming out in a jumble.

Artemis placed a finger on Wally's lips to stop him from babbling. "Wally... I love you too."

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1321 words

Next couple chapters will be up on the weekend!!

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