Happy Birthday, Baywatch

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"Happy birthday babe," Artemis said, as she sat in front of the love of her life's grave. "I miss you so so much. It's been a year now... a-and," her voice cracked as she tried to hold in her tears. "I know I say this every time but I'm so sorry. If I hadn't taken that stupid mission then we wouldn't be in this situation." The 22 year old blonde felt a tear slip out of her eye but she didn't bother to wipe it away. "I spoke with Dinah last week after Zee and M'gann dragged me there. Dinah said that I have depression and PTSD. Sh-she gave me some pills, said it would 'help' with my 'condition'." Artemis said, using quotation marks around the word 'help' and 'condition'. "God, my life's a mess right now. I wish will all my heart that you were here right now. Here to hold me and tell me that everything was gonna be okay and that you were here for me... but you aren't. You aren't h-here to give me hugs whenever I'm st-stressed. You a-aren't here to whisper f-funny nonsense in my ear every time I get a right answer on my c-chemistry homework. You aren't here to b-blow up my phone with c-cute voicemails and a-adorable texts. You aren't here to k-kiss me whenever I'm in you're sight. You a-aren't here anymore. You haven't b-been here for the p-past year." The blonde was now silently crying, but that didn't stop her from talking. "Y-you aren't here to hold my h-hand whenever you t-think someone looks at me strangely. You aren't here t-to calm me d-down when I have n-nightmares. The only thing I have left of you is Brucely, our house and our o-old m-memories. Brucely just stares at the door, waiting for you to come back. The house is empty and cold with your happiness. A-and it feels like our memories are f-fading. it's like no matter how hard I try, it's taking me longer and longer to remember you. I don't want to forget you, Baywatch. But it's getting so hard, I don't know why. Mom said that the first thing people usually forget is the sound of the someone's voice so, I've been playing your voicemails at night. M'gann thought I should start to get rid of some of your clothes. But I don't want to throw anything away. I want things the way they were before I took that stupid mission! Ugh!! I hate it! I hate living without you! I hate the thought of coming home and you're not there waiting for me, ready to take my backpack from and ask me about my day. I hate coming home to an empty house! I hate everything now! I hate you, Baywatch!" Artemis screamed, before she broke down sobbing.

"Yowch babe. If I had known you hated me so much, I wouldn't of come back." Artemis froze, hearing the familiar voice. The same one who would comfort her whenever she had a nightmare. The same voice who would leave ridiculous but adorable voicemails on her phone. The exact same voice who had told her that he loved her barely 2 hours before he died.

That voice belonged to Wallace Rudolph West.

Artemis whipped her head behind so quickly that she saw stars but they quickly left when she saw the man before her. He had the same fiery red hair that was absolutely untameable. The same gorgeous green eyes she had fell in love with, the ones that held so much love in them whenever they were looking at her. He had the same faded freckles, the same ones he out grew when they were 16. He had the same wolfish grin he always had sitting on his face, the same one he always had on when they were teens. He had the same everything. Because it was him. It was her Baywatch.

"W-wally?" Artemis asked, in disbelief. She didn't blink afraid that the second she did, he would disappear again.

"Artemis," Wally sighed. "I'm back, babe. I know it seems unbelievable but I swear I'm back. Speedster's hono-oof." Wally felt the air leave his lungs as Artemis ran and crashed in him, causing him to fall to the ground, sobbing in his arms.

"You're back! I-I can't b-believe you're b-back!!" She cried, as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and burying her face in his neck.

"Well, you better believe it, Beautiful. Cause I'm never leaving you again. Even if I have to glue or staple or duct-tape myself to you. I, Wallace Rudolph West, am never leaving you, Artemis Lian Crock. I love you so much, more than food, and you know how much I love food." Artemis laughed into his neck, smiling an actual smile for the first time in a year.

"God, I forgot how corny you can be."

"Shut up, I know you love it." he said, waggling his eyebrows at her. Artemis giggled at her boyfriend, playfully shoving his face away.

"Don't ask me why, because even I don't know but I do."

"That's because you love me!" Wally teased.

"Shut it, West. Or I might just have to kill again myself." Artemis threatened

"Oooh I'm so scared! Someone please help me." Wally said, placing a hand over his forehead and dramatically falling, before sitting back up.

"I missed you... so so much." She said, seriously.

"I know, I missed you too, Beautiful." He said, as he stroked her cheek affectionately. "I love you." Wally said, pressing his forehead against hers.

"I love you too, Wally." Artemis said, before she closed the small gap between them, for the first time in over a year. "And by the way... I don't hate you." She mumbled against his lips, causing him to pull away and laugh.

"Seriously?" he fake gasped. "I had no idea!"

"Oh shut up, Baywatch."

"What?!" he asked, innocently.

"You know full well 'What'. Don't go and act all innocent, Kid. I know you better than anyone." Wally grinned at her words.

"Can we go home now? I wanna go see Brucely." 

"Sure, Baywatch. Oh and happy birthday." she said, helping him stand up. 

Wally grinned, "Happy birthday to me!"

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

1044 words

Just a little something I wrote Wally's birthday today... 😢😢😢

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