Back For Now?

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Requested by: LeafSquire

Set in season 2, M'gann doesn't know that Kaldur is good and that Artemis is Tigress. And the Cave wasn't blown up.

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Mount Justice
June 17, 14:45 EDT

"Recognized Aqualad B-0-2, Access granted Tigress T-3-0, authorization Aqualad B-0-2." Tigress heard the zeta tubes automatic voice say, as she felt my molecules shift. She and Kaldur arrived into the cave, and she nearly ran into Kaldur as he stopped abruptly. 

"Uh... why'd you stop?" Tigress asked, confused. The whole reason they were here at the cave in the first place was because Kaldur and her had given Nightwing information that the Light and their partner, the Reach, had called upon a summit to discuss the incident about the Bialyian scarab temple. Nightwing said that it was time to reveal their secret to the rest of the team. He said that he would tell the team and that they should come to the cave at 2:45 pm, 5 minutes after he tells them.

Tigress looks in front of Aqualad and she's shocked to see the team in defensive positions. "I am not so sure that Nightwing has delivered the news yet." Kal said, staring at the team.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Conner snarled, stepping forward.

"I wish no harm, but Nightwing has called me here on important business." Kaldur said, raising his arms.

"Yeah," M'gann scoffed. "Well, Nightwing's not here."

"Hey, who's that?" Garfield asked, pointing at Tigress.

"I bet it's his girlfriend." Cassie whispered.

"Wait a second... Didn't Kaldur murder Artemis? Dudeeeeeee, that is so not crash." Bart said, loudly. Tigress could see everyone stiffen slightly when Bart said the blonde's name.

"Yeah, that's him." Zatanna sneered.

"Artemis thought of you as a brother! And how do you repay her? By stabbing her in the back! Literally!" M'gann cried, her eyes glowing green. "Now you'll pay!"

"As the saying goes, an eye for an eye, a girl for a girl." Tim said, throwing a couple birdarangs. La'gaan charged towards the two and Tigress stepped in front of Kaldur and pulled out her crossbow.

As La'gaan lunges for Tigress but she sidesteps and roundhouse kicked him in the gut. "Ooaauugh!" La'gaan grunted, taking a couple steps back. Conner charged towards the stripped tiger and decked her in the face, sending her flying across the room. Before anyone could react, the zeta tubes whirled into action.

"Recognized Nightwing B-0-1, Kid Flash B-0-3."

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late I had to get somethi-" Nightwing trailed off, as he and Wally stepped off the zeta tube. His jaw dropped as he took in the mess in front of him. La'gaan lay sprawled across the room, M'gann and Garfield were grabbing onto his arms and were trying to pull him up. Tigress was unconscious, with a bloody lip and a black eye. "Alright, what happened here?" he demanded, as Wally raced over to his unconscious girlfriend.

"They broke into the cave and wouldn't leave, so I attacked them..." La'gaan said, leaning on M'gann.

"Uh... I wouldn't say attacked seeing, Tigress kicked your butt in less than two seconds." Jaime said, glaring at La'gaan.

"Hey, you okay?" Wally asked, as Artemis groaned.

"Do I look okay? I just got decked in the face by a Kryptonian." She snapped, before her eyes focused on red hair and emerald eyes. "Hi," she whispered, softly.

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