Iced Coffee AU

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Requested by: nobody

This is a REWRITE of Diner

Pretty different than the last one but lots of stuff are similar.

Kaldur: 23, Raquel: 23

M'gann: 22, Conner: 22

Artemis: 21, Wally: 21

Zatanna: 20, Dick: 20

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

"Dude! Long time no see!" Dick said, as he greeted Wally as he dodged some kids that were playing tag. The gang had decided to meet at the park, to hang out.

"Yeah, I've been pretty busy." He replied. "How're you? Zatanna dump your poor ass yet?"

"For your information, Zatanna and I are fine. Better than fine, actually. I get action practically every nigh-"

"DICK! You don't need to tell Wally anything about you know what!" Zatanna said, sneaking up behind them.

"Zee!" Wally said, hugging the raven haired girl.

"Hey Wally! How long has it been? 4 months?" Zatanna asked.

"Yeah, that seems about right."

"WALLY!" Megan screamed, as she ran up at speed the Flash would be proud of and hug him tightly.

"Hey Megalicious! How've you been? You and Conner still together?"

"Yes!" Conner grunted behind them.

"Oh, h-hey Supey! How's it going?" he asked, using the same nickname he used when they were 15.

"Same old, same old."

"Wally, my friend. It has been far too long." Kaldur said, as he and Raquel hugged him.

"Kal! Raquel! Wow you guys look almost the exact same." Wally said.

"It's only been 4 months Wallace." Raquel said. Wally groaned at the sound of his full name. 

"Well, Rachel it seemed like forever to me." Wally snarked, using the name he just knew she would hate.

"Ugh, you know I hate it when people call me Rachel!"

"I'll stop calling you Rachel when you stop calling me Wallace!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Then suck it, Rachel."

"Oh my god, it's like we were never apart!" Dick groaned. "So man, what did you do to make yourself so busy for the 4 months?"

"Well, my girlfriend and I went Paris, and then we've just been busy with college so yeah." Wally said with a shrug. 

"Woah, you went to Paris?!" Megan asked, excited.

"Woah, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!" Dick screamed.

"Say what?!" Zatanna said.

"Ugh, come on. I'll tell you about over lunch. I know the perfect place." Wally said, walking away from his friends.

"You're always hungry!" Conner called after him.

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

"Hi welcome to Young Justice diner, my name is Linda. Blah blah blah, how many?" A black haired girl asked bored, when the gang walked through the doors of the diner.

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