Journal - Part 1

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Artemis sat in the cave's living room, holding a journal, scribbling stuff down, humming to herself.

What she didn't notice was the team walking in, looking at the happy archer.

She finally noticed them when Zatanna cleared her throat. She quickly shut her journal, looking at them.

"Hey Artemis!" M'gann said enthusiastically, trying the relieve the tension in the room.

"Hey, I'm gonna go now. Bye!" She said quickly, walking to her room.

"That was... weird." Zatanna said, as they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Did you see the book she was writing in? How she quickly closed it when Zee cleared her throat. Do you think she's hiding something in there?" Robin asked curiously.

"I vote we find out!" Wally said raising his hand quickly, everyone looked at him like he was insane.

"We can't just walk into her room and ask to see her book." Zatanna stated.

"Eh, she's in the shower right now, she won't be out for 20 minutes." Conner said.

They all looked at him wide eyed, when he said that.

"Super hearing." He stated blushing slightly.

"Okay, then let's go in!" Wally said speed walking to her room.

"I am not so sure, what if she finds us?" Kaldur asked.

"She won't Kal. We'll be out in a jiffy." Robin said following the speedster, with everyone in tow.

They opened the door to her room, looking around but the archer was nowhere to be seen.

They looked around for 20 minutes trying to find the green journal, but to no avail. The archer had simply hidden it too well, that even Robin couldn't find it.

They all froze when they heard the water stop. Panic rising, sending chills through everyone's spine.

"Ekam su elbisivni. (Make us invisible.)" Zatanna whispered, just as the bathroom door opened.

Walking out in a sports bra and yoga pants, Artemis looked around her room. Something was nagging at her, telling her that someone was here but she couldn't see anyone. Shrugging she walked over to her vanity mirror, pulling out her hair dryer she started blow drying her hair. She stopped when her phone rang. She picked it up and look at the contact. It was Cameron. Sighing she reluctantly answered it, putting it on speakerphone.

(Italics for the Cam, regular for Art)

"Hey Babe."

"Hi Cam. What's up?" She asked.

"Come over tonight." He said, he wasn't asking her though. He was honestly just ordering her to come over. He did this a lot, just ordering her around like a servant instead of a girlfriend.

"Sorry Cam but I already have plans." She said, knowing what would happen next.

"Then cancel them you b*tch!"

"Sorry I can't. Megan, Zatanna and I are planning on binge watching old films. Maybe next time." She said, wincing slightly, when he had called her a b*tch.

"Cancel them!" He yelled into the phone, making everyone in the room flinch.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." She said before hanging up.

Putting her phone down, Artemis walked over to where Wally was standing. Chills ran up his spine thinking that he had been caught but Artemis turned slightly and removed a couple thumbtacks off of her Alice In Wonderland poster. Opening a small cardboard box, she pulled out her green journal. Setting the box down, Artemis jot down her feelings, before quickly shutting it and putting it back into its hiding spot.

She then got a green crop top and some black ripped jeans. Walking into the bathroom she came back a couple minutes later, she grabbed her phone and left her room.

Everyone waited until they heard the Zeta Tube say "Recognized, Artemis B-0-7." Before they became visible again, they all looked at each other, their faces read the same expression, 'Artemis was dating a horrible guy."

Robin quickly broke the silence by asking.

"What just happened?" Everyone shrugged in response. Wally quickly got Artemis' journal out of its hiding spot again as everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

"Wally, we can't just look at that now! We're invading her space." Zatanna yelled.

"Why not? Isn't this the reason we came here? We have to find out what she wrote so I- we can help her." Wally spat.

Quickly everyone surrounded him as he slowly opened the journal. Inside there was writing neatly written on the page, with tiny music notes and what seemed to be lyrics. They looked over the page reading what was just written.

I don't know why he left but he's been gone for seven months. There's a tension in the air that's not so fun. Mom's been losing weight, I can tell she's not okay. I wonder if it's my fault he went away.🎵

That was all they read before they found footsteps coming this way. Nobody moved, as the steps got louder and louder until it stopped in front of Artemis' room. They looked up and saw Artemis looking at them horrified.

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