Or Back For Good?

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Requested by: LeafSquire

Sequel to Back For Now?

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Mount Justice
November 8, 21:42 EDT

Artemis watched as her friends embraced her speedster. Finally after 5 months of sadness, Nightwing had finally brought the love of her life out of the speed force. It seemed like an eternity since she'd last seen her beloved Baywatch. She stood off to the side when everyone started crowding around them, all she could hear were 'Welcome back's' or 'Don't you ever do that again'.

"So... you happy?" Nightwing asked, startling the blonde out of her daydream.

"Yeah, why?" she asked, turning to face him.

"Just seems like you've been doing a lot of staring instead of hugging... Or kissing." He pointed out, adding the last part quietly. Artemis socked him the shoulder, having heard the last part.

"I guess I'm still in shock about the whole thing. I mean not even two days ago I was crying over a pint of ice cream about the fact that Wally was dead and now here he is, but is he back for good? Or is this just temporary? What if he disappears again? What if we lose him forever this time? What if..." Artemis stressed.

"What if you stop worrying about the future because right now, I'm right here babe. And I promise I'm never leaving you again." Wally said, walking up from behind her.

"Promise?" she whispered.

"Speedster's honor." Wally said, placing his right hand over his heart. Artemis chuckled, before lightly slapping him in the chest.

"Dork." she mumbled. "You know, you really scared me..." she said, seriously. "I thought I'd never see you again. Hell, I was so close to falling into depression." Artemis confessed, looking anywhere but Wally.

"Hey," Wally said. "Look at me... please?" he begged, she continued to avert her eyes before Wally tilted her chin up so she was looking into his emerald eyes. "I'm here now... and I promise, I'm never leaving you ever again." he reassured.

"But what if you do? I don't think I would be able to handle losing you twice." her voice quivered. She hated being so vulnerable and yet the past few months have left her more vulnerable than she has been in years. Wally pulled her into a hug, she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head into his chest, breathing in his smell of peppermint and a hint of pine. After so many years she found the smell comforting, she always found it strange because he would run through hell and back and still smell fresh and comforting. Wally pulled her closer, and she felt his warmth engulf her. She felt tears prick her eyes as the speedster comforted her.

"Shhhh, babe. I'm not leaving you again. Believe me, I love you so much, Beautiful." he whispered in a soothing tone. He swayed them, side to side.

"What if-" the blonde started.

"Babe, no more what if's" Wally said, holding her at arm's length. "I spoke with Uncle Barry and he said that we're gonna start training to make sure I can control my speed. It's going to be like when I first became Kid Flash but this time I just gotta control myself from running into the speed force."

"I love you... so so much." Artemis said, wrapping her arms around his neck and buried her face into his neck as a tear fell.

"I love you too."

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

"So..." Zatanna said, as the original members of the team watched Artemis and Wally's reunion.

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