Chapter 2

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G r a s e r

I was nervous. Not about anything in particular, but nervous. Nervous about people seeing my face again. Nervous about the judgmental remarks. But most of all, nervous to see H.

I liked H. Okay, that's an understatement. I loved H.

We were staying in the same hotel room for PAX East and he was picking me up from the airport.

I got off the plane zombie-like out of tiredness. I was basically limping because of how heavy my bags were.

Then I saw him.

Our eyes locked and he smiled showing his perfect pearly whites. I smiled back and started walking over to him.

He dropped everything and ran over to me, toppled me and I was laying on a bunch of bags with him basically on top of me.

Our breath hitting each other's faces and eyes locked.

How badly I wanted to just kiss him there was unbelievable, but I knew I couldn't. He was straight and dating Corrine.

He got up off me and helped me up. He opened his arms for a hug and I gladly took the opportunity. It wasn't a 'bro hug' type thing, it was the type of hug you give someone and never want to let go of.

We brought my bags out and to the Uber and got in.

"What's new with you?" I asked H.

"Well Corrine and I broke up.." He replied.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that," I lied. "What happened?"

"Well she was being very commanding and bossy, and I felt like we were losing connection."

"Like you were growing apart?" I asked in disbelief.

"No... Graser, I'm gay." He said shocking me.

I just sat there stunned and hugged him.

"H, I'm so proud of you." I exclaimed.

"Thanks bud." He said pulling back from the hug and looking me in the eyes.

I saw him slowly leaning in as if for a kiss and I knew it was a dream. All of it. It had to have been, but when I felt his lips on my lips I pinched myself.

I took the once in a lifetime opportunity of H kissing me and kissed back. It was passionate for a first kiss and couldn't have been any more perfect.

He pulled back and started to ramble.

"Look, Graser. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me and I shouldn't have I just wanted to see what kissing a guy felt like and it was a mistake. Can we just forget it?"

That was the best thing to ever happen to me and for me to forget it would take brain washing, but for H's sake I won't bring it up.

"Yeah. Look, H. I get you needed to experiment with kissing guys and stuff, but truth is I've had a ginormous crush on you since I met you, so I would never be able to forget that." I admitted.

"Wow. I never noticed. I'm so sorry. Look I don't know if I like you or not. My emotions are so mixed up and I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess, but I promise to let you know if I like you when I figure it out, okay?" He said crushing me inside.

"Yeah." I sighed as we arrived at the hotel.

We got out and went to the front desk. He gave her our information and an interesting conversation went down.

"Well sirs, here are your room keys and I'll let your other roommate up when he arrives because there is only two room keys." The lady stated.

"What other roommate?" I questioned.

"Parker ******* will also be staying with you." She informed.

{I know his real last name, but it's his privacy so I won't share}

"Oh, Parker!" H exclaimed.

Of course. Just what I needed. I thought.

I thought I had H all to myself, but of course my competition for him is also gonna be staying with us.


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