Chapter 5

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P a r k e r

I walk through the door to our hotel room and I saw something I wish I never saw. H was on top of Graser on the couch kissing him. I dropped everything and ran. I heard H calling after me. I couldn't stop. Tears flying and my heart breaking.

I looked back for a split second, seeing H still running after me. I looked back and ran into a girl.

"IM SO SORRY! Let me help you up!" I said tears still falling.

"It's fine, it's fine. I'm Sammie and OH MY GOD, YOURE PARKER GAMES!" She screamed.

"Yeah. How do you know me?" I questioned.

"Oh me and my best friend love the Cube. Sadly she couldn't be here. Why are you crying?"

"Oh... I uh..." I trailed off as H ran up behind me.

"OH MY GOD H TOO! HI!" She screamed.

"Hi! What's your name?" H asked.

"I'm Sammie. Short for Samara." She explained. "But, Parker. Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"No. Not really. Promise you won't tell anyone in the fandom?" I asked.

"Can I tell my best friend. She's very trustworthy. Trust me. And I promise."

"Okay, fine. Well I never actually came out and said this but... I like H. And I share a hotel room with him and Graser. I just came back and when I walked in I saw him on top of Graser, kissing him. And so I ran. And that's why I ran into you."

"Wow. I never though any of you were gay. But I'm sorry, Parker. I can only imagine how much that hurt. Gimme a hug. You need it." She said and I did. "Look I have to get going or my mom will kill me but I'm just a few rooms down, so here let me give you my room number in case you wanna talk."

"Thank you. I might take you up on that offer soon."

"Okay! Well I'm in room 67." She said. "Well I have to go before my mom kills me!" with that she ran off.

H stood there and I stood staring at my shoes, arms crossed.

"Explain." I said coldly.

"I really don't know what came over me. I wanted to know what kissing a guy felt like. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"


Who Will He Choose? ParkBomb vs. GBomb Love Triangleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن