Chapter 4

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G r a s e r

I don't what came over H, but it was amazing.

We walked into the hotel room together and I sat down on our bed.

I took out my phone to scroll aimlessly through Twitter as I do regularly, but H took it out of my hands and ran around the room like a little 6 year old.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, H!" I screamed at him.

"Catch me and you'll get your precious phone back." He said smirking evilly.

I ran at him and he opened the door and ran down the stair well.

I chased after hopelessly and just gave up all together. I sat down on a stair and attempted to catch my breath.

"I THOUGHT YOU WANTED YOUR PHONE BACK GRASE!" H screamed up the stairs at me and giggled his school girl giggle.

"I... give up." I got out in between pants.

'I really need to work out' I thought to myself.

"Fine." H said coming back up the stairs.

He laid my phone on the palm of his hand and I took it gladly as fast as I could before he could pull it away.

I walked back up the stairs and into our hotel room.

I walked through the door, H following closely behind when all of a sudden I feel lips smash onto mine and I get pushed up against the wall.

I was stunned, but melted into it quickly. He dragged me over to the couch, not breaking the kiss and pushed me down onto it, him getting on top of me.

It was getting a little heated when Parker walks through the door.

H jumps off of me trying to play it off, but it didn't work well.

Parker dropped everything he was holding onto the floor and ran.

H ran after him. Why? He just made out with me, but goes running after Parker?

What kind of sick game was he playing with our hearts?

As I heard his faint footsteps running after Parker I sat there like my heart was just ripped out my chest.

Needless to say, I was crushed.

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