Chapter 7

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I went on a walk to figure out my feelings. I left a note for both of them, and left without waking them up.

I told Devon to tell everyone why I was skipping breakfast and that'd I'd meet them at the convention center.

Devon offered to come and help but I denied. I wanted to figure it out by myself.

I thought deep down on how it felt to crush on someone as I walked through the park.

I thought long and hard and reminisced some old elementary school crushes. I thought of the feelings and thought of Graser and Parker.

I couldn't decide.

I just didn't know.

I wanted to be with both of them, but I knew that wasn't possible.

I knew that a tough decision would have to be made. One that could ruin friendships. One that could cause heartbreak. But it had to be done.

I continued to walk around the quaint park for hours on end.

Then it hit me.

I had my decision.

Just a matter of time until it was told.

I would tell them at dinner and announce my feelings to all the Cube.


Sorry for the cliffhanger! I'm evil XD well the strawpoll has ParkBomb winning by 2 so... you'll see 😏

Who Will He Choose? ParkBomb vs. GBomb Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now