Chapter 3

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P a r k e r

I knocked on the door to the room I'm staying in and H opened it.

"LIAMMMMM!" I screamed.

"PARKER!" He screamed back and I tackled him with a hug.

I gave Graser a hugged and walked in. I took a look, observing the room when I realized something.

"Uh, guys?" I questioned.

"Yeah?" H asked.

"There's only two beds." I stated.

"Well I could just sleep with one of you guys." H stated.

About half a second later Graser screamed, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"

I gave him a dirty look. I didn't even get to process what H said.

"Okay. Parker, you get a bed all to yourself." He said with a smile.

After that I just put my belongings down and sat on the bed and scrolled aimlessly through Twitter.

I was so done with Graser right about then.

Later that night we all went to diner together and I made sure I was sitting next to H.

We had a good time talking and laughing and eating together as a family again. When something unexpected happened.

"Okay. We've been meaning to tell you guys this for a long time, but we were scared how you guys would react. So..... Ryan and I.... are kinda...." and all of a sudden Ryan pulls Jordan into a kiss.

Cheers and 'awww's spreading throughout not just our tables but the entire restaurant.

They blushed furiously and giggled. The night went on.

It was all fine and dandy until something happened when I walked into my hotel room.

Who Will He Choose? ParkBomb vs. GBomb Love TriangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora