Chapter 1

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P a r k e r

It was any normal day in the life of Parker Games. I hoped on team speak and saw H was in a call with Graser and out of nowhere I immediately got a feeling of jealousy wave over me. What the heck, Parker? What's going on? I know I'm pansexual but I never thought I liked H. Well maybe I did but never excepted it, but that's besides the point. Why am I jealous of H and Graser hanging out? I mean fans are always shipping GBomb but it's not real right? I join the call and hear they're talking about someone.

"I don't think they like me, H." Graser said sadly

"Don't doubt yourself, Grase! They probably do! Who is it?" H asked curiously.

"You don't know them." Graser lied. It's obvious when he lies but I guess only to me because H believed him.

"LIAM!" I scream scaring them.

"WHAT THE HELL PARKER?" Graser screamed back at me.

"Parker! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" H screamed giggling in between words. His laugh is so adorable.

"I was bored so I decided to scare you." I stated.

"Well I gotta go get pizza and find Shadow." Graser explained.

"Bye." We said in unison.

"H?" I asked.

"Yes, Parker?" He replied.

"How are you and Corrine?" I asked curiously.

"Actually... I wanna break up with her." He stated.

"Really?" I said overly happy.


"Why? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Well she's just been really bossy and commanding lately." H explained. "And I don't really feel like I have a connection to her anymore."

"Like you're growing apart?" I ask.

"No, more like I'm gay."

Pinch me. Did this really happen. Do I actually have a shot with him?

"PARKER!" H screamed into his microphone.

"Yeah sorry I spaced out. What'd you say?" I explained.

"I asked if you accepted me for being gay." He stated.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend! Plus I'm pansexual. Did you forget that?" I asked.

"Yeah I kinda did forget, but thanks. I really need you around."

Is this real life? Did he actually just say he needs me around?

"Well, H. I gotta go get some sleep. Talk to you tomorrow."

I didn't actually need to get some sleep. What I really needed to do was figure things out. A plan for me to win H and not Graser.

"Bye bud."


I headed to my room and laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling.

What am I gonna do? H might like Graser back. And what if he does? You just sit there dying inside second by second watching them kiss and hold hands but stay strong for the fans? No. That won't happen. I will win him. No mater what it takes.

Who Will He Choose? ParkBomb vs. GBomb Love TriangleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang