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It was around 2015 when Bennie and Jungkook discovered their love for fitness.

Since they both joined the company at such a young age, they were still just kids.

Of course, as they got older, they began to experience puberty.

Bennie's figure was always so scrawny and boney, and she barely had any curves. And after years of ballet, her feet and calves were completely made of muscle. It wasn't a healthy look for her, and people were starting to notice and make false rumors that she had some eating disorder.

As time went by, Jungkook had recently discovered exercising. So he would bring Bennie to the gym with him, and soon enough, they became exercise buddies and went to the gym together almost every day.

After a few months, Jungkook's body had gained a lot more muscle, and he had grown a lot taller as well. His jawline became razor-sharp, and his stomach turned into a washboard. He looked like a god.

As for Bennie, her constant workouts with Jungkook showed amazing results in the end. Her flat chest suddenly started to bloom, and her behind started to get bigger. Her cheeks melted off her face into a sculpted jawline that was so prominent that her cheekbones concaved into her skull. What shocked her the most, though, was that her stomach turned into a perfect set of v-line abs.

She found out that she was going through such intense puberty when her stylist Hari recorded her measurements to make new clothes for some of the group's future events.

After finishing some last-minute measurements, Hari wrote down the new measurements next to her old measurements for comparison.

"Oh my goodness, Bennie!" Hari exclaimed as her eyes widened and her mouth remained agape.

"What's wrong?" Bennie said worriedly

"You've grown so much! Puberty hit you like a truck! Look! three years ago, you were 5'6, and now you're already 5'9!" Hari squealed in impressment as she playfully squished Bennies cheeks together.

"Aish...this is embarrassing, unnie!" Bennie whined while covering her face as the other stylists began to huddle around her in amazement.

"Have you been working out?" One of the stylists asked her

"Yes, with Jungkook," Bennie confessed as the stylists started to holler in excitement

"That's why you two are changing so much!" Hari realized

"We should put her in female idol clothing now!" One of the stylists suggested.

"No, no, the boys would be too distracted!" Hari disagreed. "It would be very unprofessional of us to do that to them. If Bennie is in a boy group, then she will dress like one of the boys." 

Bennie let out a sigh of relief. She secretly enjoyed dressing in boy's clothes because she never liked the idea of showing off her skin.

When Hari finished recording her measurements in her chart, she laid down an outfit for Bennie that consisted of a  long-sleeve turtleneck and blue jeans.

"You know..." Hari said mischievously, "It would still be nice if you had some secret."

Bennie gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

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