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  The moving day had been a very stressful day for Melissa as she remembered it

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The moving day had been a very stressful day for Melissa as she remembered it. George, Izzie, and her had decided that they'd give a couple of hours to settle in before the next person came, and somehow Melissa had ended up being the last one to move in.

Everyone was tired and exhausted from moving the other two which caused Meredith to give Melissa the study downstairs instead of the attic. Melissa was happy and somewhat relieved that she was no longer living in Meredith's attic but instead an actual room with air conditioning. In the end, it was George that helped Melissa to move into the study with having comments from Izzie and Meredith that George was in love with her.


Melissa had been enjoying her new home and had no complaints so far from living there.

"George's and Melissa's room is bigger than mine," Izzie complain to Meredith. Melissa had woken up at 4:20 am knowing well that she needed to get up early so that she could be the first to the bathroom and not be late. During the time she had been able to shower and was brushing her teeth.

"I have more clothes, I should have the bigger room." Izzie groaned to the half-asleep Meredith.

"I got here first," George stated.

"Izzie I can trade but you will have to help me move all my stuff upstairs," Melissa stated just to then go back to brushing her teeth. She began to zone out the fighting that George and Izzie were having regarding the bigger room and why Izzie needed it.

Once she was done when headed downstairs to get a quick breakfast before heading to the hospital to start her new shift.

"Meredith? When is your mom coming back to town anyway? Because maybe we can put her boxes in storage."Melissa heard from the kitchen George ask Meredith.

"Or unpack a few things, make this place a little homier. Maybe some throw pillows and lamps, a few paintings. Yeah! You have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall, I found this box with like a hundred tapes of your mother performing these amazing medical procedures" Izzie added on to George.

They should leave that stuff alone. There is a reason why Mer hasn't said anything. Melissa thought to herself while pouring coffee into her travel mug.


Walking up to the hospital, the day Christina and Izzie were going to perform the harvest surgery, Meredith complained to Cristina and Melissa.

" They're everywhere. All the time. Izzie's all perky, and George does this thing where he's helpful and considerate, they share food and they say things and they move things, and they breathe. They're happy. Mel is the only one who isn't bad. She keeps to herself and bakes but even she is sometimes too happy for me."

"Hey! I'm standing right beside you! It's better to be happy than sulk which spreads to others Also I'm the only one who makes you coffee in the morning and makes muffins for you and tells the other two to stop annoying you." Melissa responded.

"If Sunshine cooks for you I want to move in just to live with her." Cristina joked "Kick them out."

"I can't kick them out. They just moved in. I asked them to move in." The blonde stated.

"So what, you're just going to repress everything into some deep dark twisted place until one day you snap and kill them?" The curly black-haired woman said.


" I can help. Like really help. I have watched so many true-crime series that could help. I really hate to admit it." The small woman said with some excitement.

"This is why we are friends. You both are as disturbed as me, Sunshine is the only one of us that is able to do a better job of hiding it."The two taller women smiled while the smaller women giggled quietly.

Alex followed behind the group of women as they walked into the hospital to start the day. "Why is the Nazi making our stay in the Pit two days in a row?"

"Leftovers" Melissa and Meredith answered.

"Leftovers?" Alex questioned.

"Gotta get the cyclists who were too drunk or too stupid or too scared to get themselves to a hospital yesterday, " Melissa explained to the male intern.

"While meanwhile, she gets to do a freakin' organ harvest." The male intern said.

" Oh, that kills you, doesn't it? Knowing that two women got the harvest." Cristina responded.

" No, it kills me that anyone got the harvest but me. Boobs do not factor into this equation. Unless you want to show me yours."

The three women exchanged looks while continuing to wait for the elevator. " Wow says the person who was able to make an insult just for having ovaries." Mel accused.

" Oh, just shut up!"

" I'm going to become a lesbian," Meredith answered and having the two other women nod in agreement.


That night, Melissa and Meredith got home, they came to having Cristina and the other two roommates watching Meredith's mother's surgery tapes. Melissa carefully looked up to Meredith to study her reaction.

" We were- we were just - Cristina made us." George let out in a panic. The whole room became silent for a couple of seconds.

"What are we watching?" Meredith asked, taking a seat next to Izzie and alleviating the tension which was once there.

" Hey, Gorgie you do know you're not great at lying," Melissa said as she took a seat beside him on the couch.

" We are at the bar where your mother literally pulls this guy's face off!" Izzie said with excitement and Mel's eyes opened even more with the excitement of what was to come from the tape.

The group of interns sat the rest of the night watching Ellis Grey's old tapes and occasionally having comments made or throwing popcorn at one another.


Word Count: 1,024



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