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Season 4 Episode 5

But the truth is, we become surgeons because somewhere, deep down, we think we can cut away that which haunts us

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But the truth is, we become surgeons because somewhere, deep down, we think we can cut away that which haunts us...Weakness, frailty...death.

"Mer, so what are we looking at in the bag," Melissa questioned as she grabbed her coat from the cubby.

"Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work." Izzie gave a response to Mel's question.

"I had to get her out of my closet. She was haunting me." Meredith added.

" Why didn't you have her in the closet in the first place Mer," Mel said.

"And now she's haunting us all," Alex said

"I'm putting her to rest," Meredith said.

Before anyone could say anything Sydney entered and said, "Meredith is cleansing. In tribal culture, when one wants to cleanse the past, one cuts off all of one's hair and buries it in the earth. You might try that, too."

Another voice interrupted Sydney's speech "Okay, listen up. Today is a holiday, which means the pit will be overrun. You've got the usual drunken stupidity..."

"And then you've got Seattle's annual chain saw pumpkin carving contest. I love this city." Bailey added to Callies sentence.

"Stay on your toes, stay on top of your interns, okay?" Callie said in a demanding voice.

"So we should round before heading to the pit or..." Izzie questioned Callie.

"Yeah, you should direct your questions to Dr. Bailey, Stevens," Callie said.

At that moment Melissa knew why Callie didn't want to speak to Izzie remembering that George told her that he cheated on Callie with Izzie and Callie knew about it.

"Oh, we're directing our questions to Dr. Bailey?" Cristina asked in a happy voice.

"Oh, not you. Just Stevens." Callie said informing the residents.

"Why is Stevens directing her questions to Dr. Bailey?" Bailey asked

"Because she's been sleeping with my husband. All right, then. Have a good day." Callie informed the residents and then left.


Melissa and Meredith left the resident lounge together with her mother in a bag.

" I still can't believe that you brought her in a bag Mer," Mel said.

Right when Meredith was going to respond to Mel, they bumped into Derek causing Meredith to drop her mother in a baggie.

"Oh!" Meredith said in response to dropping her mother in a baggie.

"What is that?" Derek said.

"It's a chart," Meredith responded casually.

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