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Season 4 Episode 1

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Season 4 Episode 1

We either adapt to change ... 

... or we get left behind

"You can do this",  Mel thought to herself in the tunnels by herself  " I know I can do anything, or else I can fake it till I make it ". 

Melissa Gorden was officially a resident after passing her intern exam with a perfect score that she hadn't told anyone except Mark Sloan. Nobody would ever expect her to become friends with McSteamy but she felt a connection with him and only Meredith and Cristina knew since she told them. But there was one thing that she hadn't told them which was that Sloan had kissed her after Cristina's wedding and she hadn't talked to him since that day and was kinda avoiding him. 

At that moment mell was taken out of her thoughts by her pager. 

"Okay Melissa, it's time for you to be the new Nazi," Mel said out loud as she rushed to get out of her tunnel and get her four interns. 


" Okay, let's start with names," Melissa said. 

" I'm Emily Rodrigez," A short brunette said. 

"I'm William Jacobs," A blonde man said. 

"I'm Sam Dakota, " A black-haired woman said. 

"I'm Finn Smith," a brown-haired man said. 

" Well, then it's nice to meet you all. I have five rules. Memorize them." Melissa said to her interns who now were surrounding her. "Number one: Don't suck up. It's not gonna get you anywhere" 

Melissa led her interns to the nurse's station knowing well since they all liked her that one of them was gonna page her when there was a good case. 

"Trauma protocols, list, pagers. Nurses page you. Don't cause them any issues because I don't need any complaints from them because they too can make your life a living hell." Melissa continued to tell the doe-eyed interns as she handed them pagers. 

Right when Mel was about to continue her rules her pager started going indicating a 911 from Shepherd which made her start running. 

" You answer pages at a run. A run. That's rule two." Melissa said while looking back at the interns who caught one and started following their residents in awe.


" I think I might be Nazi 2.0," Melissa said proudly to her friends who were in the tunnels as she sat in between Meredith and Cristina. 

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