Chapter 6 - Wendy and The Mystery Person

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Ronald McDonald's POV
It was now Monday morning, and the weekend had came to an end. Things were still unfortunately a little awkward between me and Colonel-senpai after what had happened at the sleepover, and if I was being honest, I was a little nervous to run into him at school today. However, I decided not to think about it as I waited for the bus. Once it had pulled up, I noticed Colonel-senpai sitting in a seat and looking out the window, which made me remember that he took the bus to school too. I sighed as my posture slouched, and I braced myself for the extremely awkward tension that was about to await me. Much to my surprise, I was greeted with a friendly smile and wave from Colonel-senpai, and the very unexpected gesture somewhat shocked me, as it was the last one that I had expected him to give me. "Hey Ronald-kun!" he said. "Come here! I saved you a seat!". He moved his backpack off of the empty seat beside him. Although initially reluctant to do so, I ended up deciding to sit down beside him anyway. He flashed me one of his trademark grins. "So, how was the rest of your weekend?" he asked me. "Well, it was alright, I suppose," I replied awkwardly, attempting to avoid eye contact with him. My heart began to race as I felt him place a hand on my shoulder. "Listen, Ronald-kun," he began. "I really am sorry for what happened on Friday night this weekend. I just don't like things being awkward between us and I don't want it to continue this way. I hope you can really, truly forgive me." I looked him in the eyes and gave him a small smile. He was looking at me with a serious and worried expression on his face. "Don't worry, I really do forgive you," I replied. "I understand." His anxious expression left as relief washed over his face. "I'm so glad that you accept my apology, Ronald-kun. Thank you," he said, as the kind and genuine smile that I was beginning to know and love returned back to his face. "So, are we back to normal?". "Yes, of course," I replied simply, giving him a reassuring smile. "Great!" he said happily. There was a pause of silence before he began to speak again. "So, other than that, how was the rest of your weekend?" he asked me. "It was alright, I suppose. What about your's?" I asked him. A flustered smile formed onto his face as he began to blush red. "Well..." he began. "I hung out with Wendy-chan this weekend and... I think she likes me." I felt my heart immediately sink as I listened to his words. Wendy, of all people, had to like Colonel-senpai? If that was the case, then there was no way that I would be able to compete for his love with her. She had it all; the looks, the personality, the brains... the girl could make anyone she wanted to fall in love with her. Wendy-chan would indefinitely steal his heart in a second, and I wouldn't be able to stand it. "Do you like her back?" I asked him, silently praying and hoping that he would say no. He paused. "I'm not quite sure," he replied honestly. "I'm wondering if I might like someone else more. These feelings I that have are really troubling me." I merely nodded in response, not knowing how I should react to his answer. He said that he wasn't entirely sure, which meant that he still had the possibility of developing feelings for Wendy, but he also said that he might have a crush on someone else as well. It made me begin to wonder who this other person that Colonel-senpai had potential feelings for was...

Once we had arrived at school, Colonel-senpai and I met up with Shrek, Donkey, Barry and Johnny, and all of us talked and hung out together until the bell rang. As Colonel-senpai and I entered the school and began to walk down the hallway together before we had to separate and go to our designated classes, I heard a sudden voice come from behind the both of us. "Hey Colonel-senpai!" it said, cheerfulness ringing through its tone.

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