Chapter 1

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Zhaxira's POV
Looking out the window, seeing the blue cloudy sky, filled with flying white doves. I wonder what it's like to he that high in the sky. Away from the world. From everyone. To feel so free. So alive. So p-

"ZHAXIRA" I jumped when I heard Mrs. Jackson yell my name, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry, what was the question?" I asked causing her to sigh and remove her glasses, placing them on her desk.

"What is the formula of x and y"

When she asked this, I just sat there staring at the board. I'm really not good at this talking in front of people thing.

After sitting there for about five minutes, I opened my mouth slowly, about to let the words slide from my mouth, but right when I was, the bell echoed through the school causing me to shoot up from my seat and sling my bookbag across my shoulder.

"Everyone have a nice day" Mrs. Jackson said while everyone headed out the door.

"Zhaxira, could you stay back for a second please" she spoke, causing me to stop dead in my trcks and let out a light sigh.

I turned towards her and walked over to her desk. She waited till everyone was out the room, until she decided to speak, "What's going on?".

"What do you mean?" I asked with a confused look causing her to sigh.

"Your performance level is suffering. I'm gonna need you to start participating in class. And your grades are suddenly slipping. What's going on?", she asked causing me to slightly chuckle.

"I'm fine Mrs. Jackson. I just have some things going on right now" I smirked but it soon disappeared once I noticed what I had said.
"Like what?"

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I meant ya know, with work and everything like that, but I'll be fine" I nodded causing her to look me up and down with a concerned look.

"Okay, but if you need anything, I'm here, alright" she asked, causing me to nod.

"I gotta go. See you tomorrow" I rushed out of the classroom and walked down the now half empty hallway. I can't wait till I get outta here. Even when I'm in a room full of people, I still feel alone. Paranoid. Judged. Wierd. Being in public is not for me. School is not for me. But music is.

I've been into music since I was, I can say about ten. That's when all my problems started. That's also when my passion for music started.

I would write my feelings or little poems down in my journal and turn them into songs, and from there on, I've been attached. I've made many songs but just never thought about putting them out there to the public. Don't plan on it either.

As I made my way out the school I connected my phone to my airpods, putting them in, shuffling my playlist, and walking home. When I got there, I opened the door quietly, making sure not to wake my dad and walked up the stairs.

I did my usual routine which is, do homework, take a shower, and go to sleep.

The Next Morning
I woke up to my loud alarm on my phone, causing me to groan and quickly swipe it. I sat up in the bed and did a quick stretch before getting up and walking into my bathroom.

I took a quick shower, before brushing my teeth and doing my hygiene. I put on a black lace set and walked into my walk in closet, looking through my clothes.

 I put on a black lace set and walked into my walk in closet, looking through my clothes

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