Chapter 6

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Before I even start this I wanna say thank you to vlonebitch for finding a way to read and vote for both my books even though I'm not even a blown up writer. I just do these for fun but her alone motivates me to keep writing.

But anyways enjoy💗

Stokeley's POV
"Yeah, vro" I laughed as I spoke to Jahseh on the phone. All of a sudden I heard bangs on my door causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"H-hold on, I'll call you back" I hung up and jogged down stairs as the pounding never ended. I swung the door open to see Zhaxira.

"Girl whatchu d-" I cut myself off as I studied her. She was shivering. Her hair soaked. Bruises all over her face. Her nose bleeding. Her pants were gone. She was barefooted. She looked like she just ran a whole marathon.

The fuck?

"Vruh, what the fuck," I pulled her in and up the stairs, noticing her limping. We got to my room and I sat her down on the bed while kneeling down in front of her.

"Zhaxi-" I placed my hand on her knee but cut myself off when I felt a liquid. I pulled my hand away and looked down to see red.


I looked back at her lap and saw a light traim of blood going down her inner thighs, making me sigh.

"What happened?" I looked up at her as she still shook with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I-It- h-he-"

"Did he do this to you. Did he touch you" I motioned down to her lap, indicating the blood.

She was gonna speak but she just nodded while crying harder.

I sighed and sat beside her, pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her.

"Shhh. It's okay mamas," I rubbed her back while still trying to sooth her. By the time she had calmed down she was starting to fall asleep so I had to get her up, "C'mon and take a bath, then you can go to sleep".

She nod and I helped her up as she limped her way to the bathroom. I knelt down at the tub and turned the water on, putting some soap in and letting the bubbles fill. When it was ready I stood up and looked at her.

"Imma walk out but call me when your in" I walked out and wait for a couple minutes until I heard her call.

I walked back in and sat on the toilet lid as she sunk down in the water, letting the bubbles rise to her neck. She was in a daze just staring straight at the wall. I could tell that she had a lot on her mind.

I sighed and took the rag from her hands and started to slowly wash her back.

"Talk to me" I said while she just stayed silent.


She was hesitant for a while but finally spoke.

"I don't know how but all of it just happened. He was furious when I had got out the car but when he seen you he went bat shit crazy. Like I could feel the anger radiating off of him. He started beating me. Telling me how I was his and how he owned me. Telling me that my mom would never do that to him," she blinked a few times and sniffled as tears slowly escaped from her eyes.

"The pain was so bad and excruciating to the point where I couldn't but to call on you. I regret it cause when I did, it only made him worse. He threw me on the-the bed a-and said-" she cut herself off and took a deep breath.

"H-he said that I I gonna lay there and show him what it is I did with you. I tried to get him off me but he wouldn't stop. He wouldn't. He just kept going and I begged and begged. Then at one point-," she wiped a tear away and grimaced, "At one point h-he said that I-I was just like my mother. Can you believe that? Can you imagine how I felt. To have someone that you thought you could trust more that anyone, the person that gave you life, on top of you, taking your innocence, comparing you to your mother"

At this point she was shaking with anger, fear, and sadness. All in all, I couldn't imagine being in her shoes. What sick mother fucker would claim and rape their own daughter.

"How'd you get out. How'd you get him off you" I said causing her to cry harder.

"I smashed a bottle on his head. He was to distracted to see me grab it from the nightstand. S-Stokeley how could he do this to me" she looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

Fuck man

"Look, don't worry about that, ight. I got you from now on. Nobody's gonna hurt you anymore" I rubbed her cheek and continued washing her. I got a towel and put it in front of the tub, being sure to cover her body so that I wouldn't be able to see it.

She stepped out and allowed me to wrap it around her body. I had handed her a bottle of lotion and walked out, getting one of my 'You Will Regret' sweatshirts and black, white, gray, and red boxers.

I sat on the bed for a minute until she opened the bathroom door, reaching her hand out. I gave her the clothes and she closed the door back up.

A few seconds later she limped out of the bathroom and sat beside me. I looked at her, reading her body language carefully. She seemed so out of it, yet in her mind.

"Hey, stop thinking about it. It's over
You're okay now," she nod her head and looked back down, "Now first thing in the morning we're going to the police"

"WHAT" she looked at me in disbelief.

"Zhaxira, we gotta. If we don't he's gonna come looking for you and do god knows what to you or claim that I took you away from him, and I can't have that"

"But what if-"

"No what it's. You'll be fine okay. He's not gonna be able to hurt you anymore" I reassured her as she got teary eyed.

"O-okay. Okay. I'll go" she sighed and played with her fingers. I nodded and grabbed the remote, turning the tv on a random channel, laying on the bed. I heard light snores eventually making me to look over at her and smile small.

I decided sleeping on the couch, considering she'd probably feel uncomfortable to wake up with me next to her.

I grabbed a blanket from the closet and a pillow from the bed, heading for the door and turning the light out. I head downstairs and removed my shirt, neatly folding it and laying it at the foof of the couch, leaving me in my basketball shorts.

I placed the pillow on the arm of the couch and lay down throwing my arm over my head.

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