Chapter 11

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Stokeley's POV
I woke up, hearing whimpering beside me and feeling a bunch of shuffling causing me to groan and turn on my side, wrapping my arm around Zhaxira.

"Mamas keep still," I closed my eyes back as she stuffed her head in my chest and pulled the sleeve on my arm.

"Sto-Stokeley it hurts." she whimpered, making me furrow my eyebrows and look down at her since it was a small bit of light shining through the window.

"What's wrong? You had another nightmare?" I rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead as she shook her head and kept whimpering.

"Mm mm," she shook her head as she groaned and suddenly gripped my sleeve tighter.

"Then what's wrong?" I sat up as she kept her head on my chest.

"M-my stomach hurts and I- owww- my period s-started" she groaned causing me to sigh.

I don't know shit about a girl on her period. All I know is she bleed out her pussy every month, so if I gotta go get her shit, which I'm pretty sure I do, then it's not finna be right.

"Ight. Imma go to the store and get you some stuff, okay" I rubbed her arm.

She just nod her and groaned while I got up and went to the bathroom to get myself ready.

Once I got to walmart I went to the very back of the store to see a full section of pads and tampons.

I picked up a box of tampons, seeing that there was a ultra size causing me to scrunch my face up, "The fuck?"

"Do you need help sir?"

I turned around to see a lady looking at me with a small smile while I nod.

"Yea, I was sent to get these but I dont know which one to get."

"Okay then what's her flow?" she asked while I gained an expression of confusion.


"Like how heavy is she bleeding? What size is she?"

"I don't know what her pussy's like. I'm assuming its tight cause ain't nobody really hit yet so-"

I got cut off by her laughing and shaking her head, "No, I mean how heavy is she bleeding. Usually if she's just starting then the flow would be pretty heavy but just to make sure shes comfortable I suggest you get these" she pullout the smallest size of tampons and a size 3 for pads.

"Oh. My bad. I just dont really know how this stuff works" I chuckled.

"It's fine. I see young men coming in here all the time for there girlfriends, not knowing what to get. And hey, just a little tip, I suggest you go get a pail of ice cream and some dark chocolate. It helps for period cravings. And also some midol for cramps"

"Will do, thank you ma'am" I nodded and put the things in the basket, walking away.

I got the ice cream, chocolate, and midol and just to be nice a plush teddy bear.

I checked all the stuff out and drove back home, opening the door and going straight to the kitchen to put the icecream away and the chocolate in the fridge so it wont melt also.

I went upstairs and walked in the room to see Zhaxira holding her stomach and groaning in pain.

Them cramps really killing her shit

This is why I'm so glad to be a nigga. Niggas be tweaking, talking about we get the most pain when we all know in reality the females get the most.

They gotta have cramps and bleed every month. When they have sex for the first time, that shit either painful or uncomfortable from what I've heard. They gotta push them big headed ass babies out and to top it all off they gotta go through contractions for possibly more than 12 hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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