It's You and I

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So I will be in Cali in exactly a month to see Ari I am going crazy ,,, very happy do I decided to update this store and I have have the new chapters for RTIBM 💕☁️☁️☁️ and Adore is amazing

(Ariana's point of View)

I was woken up once again by Sean as we got to the airport. We get through TSA and walk to towards the waiting area i was tired. So I saw a Starbucks and went to order a iced soy latte. When Sean called me over to him I was not really in the mood so I ignored him and kept doing what I was doing.when Sean walks over to where I was.

Sean to Ariana... Look I know you are tired but I know you heard me calling you.

Ariana to Sean.., yeah I did...

Sean to Ariana... Why are you being short with me?

Ariana to Sean.... I am being short with you I am just tired and I am not a morning person..

Sean to Ariana... Well lose your little attitude and come over here with us.

Ariana to Sean.., (rolls her eyes ) fine (Sean starts to walk away)

Sean to Ariana... Like now.! ( seeing Ariana still sitting)

I get up head over to where they are sitting. When my phone chimes indicating i have a new email. see it from nick, i respond t it and quickly putbit away. when my mom hands toulouse to me while Myra is bonding with Milan. i look over at sean who has hasnt said one word to me since her told me to lose my attitude, i guess i was being grumpy and rude. i didnt want u to bat odds with each other on this trip. i put toulouse in his carry on bag. i nudge but i get nothing so i pull his headphone of hisear.

Sean to Ariana ... what?

Ariana to Sean... i am sorry for acting that way towards you..

Sean to Ariana .. mhmm

Ariana to Sean.. i am serious,

Sean to Ariana...lets just let it go i am not in the mood to talk right now.

(Ariana's phone chimes)

Ariana to Sean.. okay (as she pulls out her phone to ead her email)

Sean to Ariana... who is messaging you at 5am anyway

Ariana to one why (as she ou her phone back in her pocket)

Sean to Ariana.... beacuse of how you are acting when your phone goes off, is it nick?

Ariana to Sean...i am not acting anyway.. why do you think its nick you blocked and deleted his his contact

Sean to Ariana,, yeah whatever bet.

Our Moms where to busy having there our conversation when Sean and I were going back-and-forth.A private jet was ready y'all start board.I fell asleep before the plane even goes into the air. I wake up slightly to Sean putting a blanket on me I stopped him asking him to lay with me I could tell he wasn't expecting it but agreed and laid next to me held me to this chest as i drift back to sleep.

I woke up with an urge to pee . I try to get up but Sean had a good have to wake him up..

Ariana to Sean.. Babe, I need to go the bathroom ( as Sean lets go of her)

I walk to the bathroom scene both her mother still finalizing the plans for the engagement party.I finish using the bathroom wash my hands and head back to lay with Sean on our way to grab a bottle of water I take a sip and my phone vibrates. I put the cap back on and lay back on Sean's chest. I pulled my phone out seeing this is a text from the girls Saying that they would be there in a few hours.. We are set to land soon I look up to see if Sean was awake,which she wasn't so I email nick back quickly when Sean starts to stir.

I put my phone away I know that you know that Sean does want me to talk to nick but is only for work. Sean gets up so that he can pee. I put her seats back up, Sean comes on it's next to me. I don't want to keep bothering him. I started to play with my ring. I slid my ring off my finger so I can put lotion on. In the corner of my eye, I could see Sean looking at me as I put my ring back on waiting for plane to land.

We grab her bags and head to the airport the car ride flew by and then we were at the missions inn resort it was so beautiful. my mom went to the front desk to get our room keys.

Joan to Sean & Ariana... So we got you two the deluxe room here is your key. You two go get situated, I look up at Sean to see if he has any objections which he doesn't he grabs his bag in one hand and he had Milan in the other . We all ride up together on the elevator and go our separate ways.

Sean unlocks the door and goes inside this room is huge there's a living room kitchen area and there was a long hall the led to the bedroom.I let both Milan and Toulouse out so they could get comfortable. I decided to shower the flight off.

I grab my body wash and had to the shower and make sure the water wasn't too hot. I stripped getting into the shower remembering Sean and eyes shower last night, I wash my body pay extra attention to my area have been feeling weird down there since we had sex. Which could just be that my body is changing. I get out and grabbing a towel wrapping it around my body.

I going to the room grabbing clothes to wear. I drop my towel to put on lotion I grabbed my underwear and put them on when Sean walks in and just looks at me as I put my bra on. I continued to get dressed. i leave my hair in its natural state. I walked back in the bathroom to grab my clothes from earlier.

As I'm heading back into living room to watch TV since it's really early. I'm scrolling through the menu when I see Annabel had just started so I put it on. Pulling my phone out to check my email as Sean and sext me there were two emails one from nick and one from the lady who is bringing the dress today. I was just about to reply to the email nick back when Sean comes and lays his head on my chest. He is now Eyes view of my phone. I know he wants to say something he looks really annoyed.

Ariana to Sean... You have nothing to worry about it just about a file at work

Sean to Ariana.. So new rules no phones on this trip. This is supposed to be about us..

Ariana to Sean... Fine and your right...

As I put my phone down and direct my attention back to the movie and my baby..

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