Heartbreak hotel

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So loves thank you so much for 13.6k yall and the best and the votes and comments on the last two chapters have been the best keep them coming I will answer as many questions that I can't when I get them. I love how involved yall are in this story I love updating it for you guys
Make sure to keep promoting Sean album to loves and request his songs on the radio.. I heard blessing for the first time on the radio here in Alaska which made me so happy because we are so slow on music here and then they played ari of course who I will be seeing one about 25 days ..

(Sean point of view )

I walk into the living room of the hotel to tell my baby about my ex Ashely.. I never really talk about it much but she deserves to know... I mean Chris was right I am acting like she is Ashely when she is far from it. I see that she has is cuddling with toulouse and Milan is laying right next to her.

Sean to Ariana.. So I think this would be the right time to talk about Ashely .

Ariana to Sean... Babe you don't have too..

Sean to Ariana.. No I do .. So me and Ashely were together for while we were each other's first loves, well she was mine.. We had taken the next step in our relationship and moved in together. I asked her to marry me and she said yes, I was so happy.

A few months later she told me thought she was pregnant which I ecstatic about I was going to be a dad. But Zeno and Tone started to tell me that they were seeing Ashely with this guy around town. I didn't believe it because she was my first love about yo be my wife and have my kid so she comes first.

I remember I had to fly out for a event for the foundation I wasn't sure about leaving Ashely alone.. But she told me she was fine I trusted her on that. I came back a few days later and she was acting very distant towards me I figured it was just the pregnancy. A few months past and things went back to normal. Then Chris told me he saw Ashely with this guy they were looking at baby stuff at the mall.

Which I didn't understand so I just brushed it off. One day I came home early to surprise her and I caught them in the act I was hurt... I told him to get out after I beat the shit out of him . And she threatened to call the cops on me for hurting him.. She then went on to tell me that it wasn't even my baby. I was devastated beyond belief my friends tried to tell I was just so blinded my love for her.

I thought that you were playing me after we said we would give it a try, I really like and care about you. So I freaked out, then there was Nick so I do apologize for how I reacted last night a do know that I can't control who you are friends with and I know that.

Ariana to Sean.. Wow that's a lot to take in. I am sorry for how you were treated in your past relationship with Ashely, but you are my first relationship , first everything really.. You have to trust I wouldn't try to hurt you. I care about you a lot and I trust so. I only ask you give me that . I scared to ask how Naya was in your relationship after hearing about Ashely.

Sean to Ariana... Your right, I will trust you for now on. Oh Naya she was not bad at all we were just better as friends. We still talk as friends here and there..

Ariana to Sean... Really your still friends ? I would have thought after you have sex with your friend that it kind of ruins everything, I guess not

Sean to Ariana.., yeah we are.. Yeah let's just say she wasn't the best mistake i ever have. But I am glad you are okay though. You scared the hell out me today. You are going to have to keep me informed about your blood sugar levels to prevent that again. And we are going to have to find some form of conceptive.

Ariana to Sean... I will I promise .. And yeah I can't believe My mom knows that we are having sex.. I am so embarrassed in a way for the way she found out.. Yeah we are because I am not ready for kids yet or anytime soon. I mean I just turned 21 I want to see the world a little. I know that it's the arrangement that we have a kid in 3 years which is fine.. But I can find a birth control that I like.

Sean to Ariana... I agree with on that I can't believe my had the nerve to ask me about the other night, like I was going to answer that. Yeah the whole have a kid right now is scary to me. Finding a birth control your body agrees with that is important. Because I am not going to lie I don't like condoms.

Ariana to Sean..., (laughs) i am afraid to ask why you don't like them.

Sean to Ariana... They don't feel the same, As when I am going bare.. We have only had sex without them and not gonna lie you feels amazing around me.

Ariana to a Sean... ( Blushes ) I don't know what to say. Oh damn it's like 3:30 am. We should go to bed..

Sean to Ariana.. You don't have say anything just know I appreciate you. Wait are you going to sleep in the room with me ? Or out here?

Ariana to Sean... In the room... Why? Was I missed last night?

Sean to Ariana... You could say that...

Ariana to Sean.., hmm well I guess I am sleep with Toulouse tonight.

Sean to Ariana.... Nooo.... Okay I did miss laying with you..

Ariana to Sean... That's all you had to say... (Kissing Sean extra long) well I am going to go shower..

Sean to Ariana... Well damn babe that was a hell of a kiss, shit was I missed.? Wait we can shower together..

Ariana to Sean... Yes you were missed. And okay but this time it's a actual shower okay ?

Sean to Ariana...hey that was your idea..

Ariana to Sean.., yeah I know but our moms could walk in at anytime so maybe another time. When do go back to boca do you know?

Sean to Ariana... That's true. But theta makes it even more exciting. In 3 day we go back .. We don't have anything planned for tomorrow. ( So eyeing Ariana up and down )

Ariana to Sean.,, that's good I haven't had the chance to go swimming yet in my new bikini. And stop looking at me like that... ( laughing) we will see

Sean to Ariana... All right .. Let go

I watch as she walks to the room removing the dress leaving her topless. Why did I agree to show together again.. Glad I got my baby back though ...

Waayyy up i feel blessed .. 🙌🙌

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