Cause your what i adore

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💞So don't pretend your just a friend💞

(Ariana's point of view )

I sit there after Sean basically yelled at me. Part of me wanted to apologize for having him worried but I was with my friends I was fine.. But I wasn't wrong for having fun . So I get up and make my way to the couch to go cuddle with my babies Toulouse and Milan. I set my alarm and fall asleep.

I wake up feeling like I need to throw up. I an to the bathroom and puke my guts out. Sean comes in and holds my hair once I was done I flush the toilet and stand up and go rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth . I see Sean still behind me in the mirror. I don't say one word to him. I just head back into the living room to go lay down. When Sean walks out.

Sean to Ariana... So your going to sleep on the couch?

Ariana to Sean.. That's I am currently doing ..

Sean to Ariana... Really ? Why?

Ariana to Sean... Because it what I want to do now if you could please just let me sleep that would be amazing

( as she turns her back to him and cuddles with toulouse )

I hear him mumble something as I drift back asleep. I wake up to my alarm I still feel sick I know it's not the alcohol from this morning. So I get up a check my blood sugar. It seems fine I guess I will watch it later on. I decide to shower and get ready I get dressed in short and tank top grabbing both toulouse and Milan out for a walk before I head to the girls room so we ca get our make up done.

On our way out I see Zeno he looks at me smiles I smile back. I not in the mood to have a conversation of any form right now. We start walking around the resort seeing how beautiful it was. I let both of my babies off there leashes and they played. We go back inside after an hour.

I take both of them with me to the girls rooms where the make artist were going to be. I finally make it up there to seeing that girls are almost done with their faces. I sit down and Daniel starts on my make up he is so funny I love him all ready. Then the hairstylists come in to start on our hair I get Dalina she stairs to straighten my hair then when she is done she completes it with these spiral curls. She pins part of it back leaving my bangs out.

All that's left is for me too get dressed in this gorgeous purple dress. I am completely ready and so are the girls.

Sascha to Ariana... So how was your night?

Ariana to Sascha... It was not the best Sean got mad yelled at me said I was making him look like fool. And that he hopes that I keep my ring today. He pissed me off I sleep on the couch with my babies.

Alexa to Ariana ... Damn are too serious. We were just having fun. He so damn protective. Did you say anything to him ?

Ariana to Alexa... No I haven't said one word to even when I woke up puking and he held my hair. He asked me why I was sleeping on couch I told him I I wanted to and rolled over and went to sleep.

Liz to Ariana... Damn girl how much did you drink.

Ariana to Liz ... Not that much .. I was still sick this morning , so I named sure to check my blood sugar it was fine.

(The girls look at Ariana )

Nicole to Ariana ...You sure that you are going to be going to be okay today.

Ariana to Nicole ... Yeah I should be fine.. I just hope I don't puke again.

The time comes for us to head down stairs we all head into the elevator. Talking and laughing. Which I needed to distract myself from the nerves and seeing Sean in his suit...

We get out of the of the elevator I let the girls off first I am last one off I walk out and the first person is chris.

Chris to Ariana... Damn you gorgeous Ariana..

(Which cause Sean and Zeno, Tone to look over)

Ariana to Chris.. Thank you Chris.

Tone and Zeno to Ariana... You do look beautiful ..

Ariana to Zeno and Chris... Thank you both I will see you guys in there

She walks away before Sean has the chance to even say anything to her.

Zeno to Sean .. Damn she ain't look at you . What's that about?

Sean to Zeno... Nothing I was not the happiest last night after seeing her in the club and what not. I may have told her, she is making me look like a fool. She sleep on the couch last night wouldn't talk to me so I know I am in deep shit.

Chris to Sean... Damn your and idiot she is nothing like Ashely ... You need to stop before you don't have a damn fiancé.

(As he walked away)

Sean knew that they were right.

I head in to the ballroom where I see my mom and Myra I walk over to them and Myra gasp when she sees me and tells me that I look beautiful I smile when she calls Sean over. I want to turn to walk away but they want is to take pictures.

Myra to Sean.. Have you seen how gorgeous your fiancé looks.

Sean to Myra... Yeah she looks good..

I look at him when he says good .. I am not trying to be cocky or conceited but I know I look gorgeous today.

Myra to Sean... Boy open your eyes she looks gorgeous now let's get these pictures.

I reluctantly walk over to him so we ca get these pictures over with during the posing Sean tries to make conversation

Sean to Ariana... So are you going to at least talk to me? This is our engagement party. Look I am sorry for how I was acting last night it wasn't right and I have to stop acting like your are Ashely.

I just look him. Because he never really told me why they broke up..

Ariana to Sean... Wait why are you even comparing the two of us.... ?

Sean to Ariana.... I will explain later.. (As he kisses my cheek and walks away.. )

The party was fun. Until I started to feel sick and dizzy ..

The last thing I remember is telling Alexa to get my mom or Sean.

Before everything goes black...

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