Chapter Four

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(In the mall)

Urgh is it just my stupid annoying sister, or are all girls like this? I thought, extremely annoyed at being dragged to go shopping. Bad enough that the ladies were late the first time, but they had to go shopping! I picked a glance at Lena, who was picking the most items. Not that girl creating trouble for everyone.

"Leon, you there? Lena's asking whether you have some money to spare, she finished all her allowance." Felix, clearly clueless about our still-standing cold relationship, asked. Why did she use up all her money in the first place, anyway?

Fuming, I walked up to Lena and snapped, "You need money, huh?" Lena, sensing my irritation, glared at me, "Yeah, and maybe you can finally get into your brother role and be kinder to your own goddamn biological sister?!" Anger burned through my veins as the last straw broke.


I launched into action before I even knew what was going on. Lena clutched her face delicately. Shock crossed her features. She opened her mouth to say something, but clammed her mouth again.

"Speechless?" I sneered.

Tears filled up her eyes. "All I ever wanted was your care, why can't I get it? I love you so much, hoping that you can accept me, but you never did." With tears streaming down her cheeks like a river, she turned around to rub away her tears.

"Why don't you ask yourself why everything turned out this way first?" I shouted. Thankfully, we were in an empty aisle, so no one saw us.

"Fine, I'm just worthless, okay?" she retorted.

"Leon, that was uncalled for. Why did you do that? You should go apologise to her." The others around me started blaming me for hurting Lena's feelings. They shouldn't be involved. They weren't there when the incident happened. They didn't know what she did.

Suddenly, Albert pulled my arm with force and shouted, "That's no way to treat a lady! Go apologise to Lena!" I jerked my arm away and shoved him away.

I argued, "Well, that's because she isn't even a proper lady! You weren't there two years ago. You didn't know what she did. She should be thankful that our father was able to cover up her misdeed."

"That-good-for-nothing isn't worth any of your precious time. I suggest you just leave her to be. After all, she should be used to all the criticism by now. Or perhaps she needs more training? Plus, if she doesn't bother to put in effort to mend what she did, why should I show her respect?" I simply stated.

Back-facing me, Lena threw her bags on the ground, her tears dripping onto the ground, and shouted, "I tried! I tried doing so many things and you still won't care! Why wouldn't you?" She took a deep breath and continued, "I tried so hard, and I realised that through this process, I almost lost myself to the image of your perfect sister. I don't know what to do. Father won't forgive me. Mother won't forgive me. I thought you might be different. But you're just the same as them."

Lena turned around to face me. Forcing a sad smile, tears ruining the makeup I was very sure she spent the better half of the hour doing, she vented, "You're really their child through and through, aren't you? You never made them mad. You never did anything that made you regret everything. Do you even love me?" With that bomb thrown, she ran away, away from me, away from everyone, away from everything.

I clenched my fist. Who does she think she is to question me like that? I'd been doing everything for her own good. She had never acknowledged that. I might not coddle her like some other brothers had, but did she think about the impact she made when she did what she did? Did she know what she had caused me? She had caused "us" to fall apart.

"Lena is a bad influence. Should you want to still be our golden heir, you must break ties with her. Lena is a lost cause." I could practically hear Father's voice resonating all around me. I fought to try and convince them that Lena was good. She was.

"Leon, you should go find her. You may be upset, but think about her," Charles suggested. I didn't budge.

"Leon--" I interrupted Alexis with a wave of my hand.

"Let her find her own way back," I remarked before walking away. I hoped the others understood it didn't just mean her returning to the dormitories. 

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