Chapter Twenty-two

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I guess I don't have to explain the number coincidence in this, do I? Happy 22/2/2022, dear readers <3


I was lying in a cot at the infirmary, eyes staring up at the unchanging wall of white above me, mind somewhere far, far away. Lena's worried expression flashed before my eyes once more, and I could even see her shocked face when I kissed her. Gods, when I kissed her. The first thing that ran through my mind as my lips met her slightly trembling ones was that I did it. I was never fond of stalling, so all my beating around the bush had been getting to me.

I'd read my fair share of romance novels thanks to Gina, and I found the phrase "the world stopped" overly cliché but true. The world did indeed stopped, only for a split second. When it started again, it was so much better. It didn't matter that my back was burning from the wounds or that I had just been beaten up willingly by someone I thought I could trust. It didn't even matter that blood was all around us and that we were standing among wreckage. The world suddenly felt so much more bearable.

Maybe I should thank Gina for all the romance novels, because that's how I found the words to describe the situation I was in now.

In fact, many things of my life were owed to her, one of which being the reason why I was heaved upon an ambulance even after I assured everyone for the hundredth time that I was fine. I nearly rolled my eyes until I was reminded of the medical attention I desperately needed. Then again, I agreed with the fact that the other princes saw me being strapped to a stretcher was the way I was going to die. I was a strong believer of not showing weaknesses after the incident with Anu. Thankfully, Lena was-

As if she sensed that my thoughts were on her, Lena swung open the door, walking in with confidence I so rarely saw on her. I nearly smiled as I saw up to notice her actively ignoring a panicked nurse. "Your Highness, you shouldn't-" "Am I wrong to wish to see him?" she contested with casualness. The nurse flinched and stepped towards the door. Before long, she disappeared behind the door.

Lena grinned when she saw me, immediately sitting down on a chair beside my cot. I'd never noticed earlier, but when I saw her lips curled upwards, I realised how little I had beheld such a wondrous sight. "Hi, Gion," she greeted.

"Hi," I said back, and frowned, "The nurse just now-"

"She'll live. I was just so distraught to see you that I snapped at her," Lena sighed sheepishly, "I sound like an overly frantic housewife."

"If I had known that getting injured means giving you a newfound and disturbingly scarce confidence, I would've done it more often."

"...Gion!!!" Seeing her turn red gave me such a satisfaction that I forgot about how much my back hurt. I didn't even bother to hold back my chuckle.

Lena regained her composure. "Come to think of it, I'd never managed to see that infuriating smile of yours that often."

My smile faded almost instantly. "If it's infuriating, why do you make staring at you such a pleasure-"

"Gion," she emphasised seriously with a tint of jokiness, "You can't go around saying smooth words with a straight face. You're either utterly unfazed or born emotionless."

"I'm the third option. Born emotional and crying but still learnt the art of lacking emotions." I gave her a wry smile.

"Has Gina seen this quirky side of you?" I glared at her but nodded begrudgingly.

"Oh, no wonder she adores your arrogant ass so much." However well she had tried to hide her mixed emotions, I caught the look as it flashed across her face. "Did Leon talk to you?" Her eyes shot up to mine, full of surprise, sadness, happiness and...anger? I couldn't find the words to label her expression. It appeared sad and happy and resigned at the same time. Either way, I didn't like all those negative emotions displayed on her face.

"...he did. And he changed. I don't know why, and I'm...I guess confused is the right word. I feel bad for trying not to talk to him. I want to forgive him but I want him to apologise for it, you know? I think he put me through a lot, I want him to know that he hurt me in tons of irreparable ways. In a sense, I knew he was hurt was just that I was so blinded by my own pain that I didn't see his pain too. I think I was w-"

"Lena, stop." I caught her hands that were nervously fidgeting with mine. Her green orbs landed on our now intertwined hands. "I know you probably blame yourself a lot right now, but it isn't your fault. You tried your best. There's no wrong in focusing on yourself before others. Believe me, I've put myself above everyone else my whole life. Maybe that's why people call me selfish, but in the end, I think I've turned out well too, in my own way, right?"

Her breath hitched, but unlike that time in the kitchen when I just let her cry, I wrapped my arms around her. Her arms came around me so tightly that I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt, yet I still let her cling in there. "I-I have been thinking about this for so long, ever since I stepped on the shore of Momosu. It's j-just..."

"It's okay. You don't need to say anything." I felt her tears staining my shirt. "Just tell him everything you want to say. And when you do it, say it honestly. Say that you hate him. Say that you want him to apologise. Say that you don't want to forgive him just yet. But whatever you tell him, don't mix it with lies. Tell him your most unfiltered, horrendous thoughts. Don't mix it with lies no matter what."

"O-okay. Thank you, Gion." Lena pulled herself away from me. Ever so slowly, she stood up, her knees shaking, yet she still seemed stronger than she was when we first met only a few days ago.

As she placed her hand on the doorknob, I stopped her.

"And Lena?"


"If you want to make him sorry, know your self-worth."


Okay but honestly? I really enjoyed writing Lena's character development. If only she knew how amazing she was earlier, she probably won't have wasted all those time on Leon, still hoping that he cared. Lena, word of advice, you should just ignore him until he begs at your feet for forgiveness because he misses your presence. I've never created such a complicated OC before; someone who is broken and hurt but doesn't know how to pick herself back up, or how broken she actually is. We wrote Gina as Lena' best friend because we don't really care how many OCs in the world are made to be all alone - we don't think we, ourselves, will have made it so far in Lena's position without a best friend to motivate and encourage us to keep going. Besides, your fellow authors are besties, even if it's more of just me (JS) writing nowadays- 

Anyway, till the next time we meet :P

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