Deleted Scenes part 3

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Scene 1:

"I know things don't make so much sense now. I know you have no idea why Leon acts this way. But someday everything will make perfect sense. Someday Leon will realise that it is not you who don't deserve him, it is him who doesn't deserve you. Because you're so beautiful, so kind, so smart, and you're Lena, the princess who lives without limits. Right now, all you have to do is to smile through the confusion, because we go through the worst days to reach the best ones. One day, you'll know why everything happened," I soothed. Lena darted her eyes away from mine. She was clenching and unclenching her fists. She seemed so frightened all of a sudden. That's when her panicked eyes met mine. "I tried, I really did. Now it's so scary because I know something really bad happened. I did something bad, and that's why Leon doesn't want to be close to me anymore. I was just lying here, wondering why things went so wrong. For some reasons, I do remember the feelings that came with it. I do remember the hurt, the betrayal, the regret. But it's all blank. I think something's wrong with me." "I'm sorry, what are you trying to tell me, Lena?" my voice was still calm, but I wasn't. Something cold seized me. Especially when Lena continued, "That's the problem, Gina. I don't remember anything from that day three years ago."

Scene 2:

"I know things don't make so much sense now. I know you have no idea why Leon acts this way. But someday everything will make perfect sense. Someday Leon will realise that it is not you who don't deserve him, it is him who doesn't deserve you. Because you're so beautiful, so kind, so smart, and you're Lena, the princess who lives without limits. Right now, all you have to do is to smile through the confusion, because we go through the worst days to reach the best ones. One day, you'll know why everything happened," I soothed. Lena darted her eyes away from mine. She was clenching and unclenching her fists. She seemed so frightened all of a sudden. That's when her panicked eyes met mine. "This hadn't bothered me before, and honestly, I knew this since a long time ago. I never told you this before, because I've heard it all recounted by my parents, so I wasn't fazed. Today, however, I just got so panicked and scared and trying to remember because I thought that all the versions of the incident others told me doesn't really match. Something that caused this, couldn't just have been my small incident right? I mean, it's totally not small, I nearly cost a life, apparently. So I tried to remember.  But it's all blank. I think something's wrong with me." "I'm sorry, what are you trying to tell me, Lena?" my voice was still calm, but I wasn't. Something cold seized me. Especially when Lena continued, "That's the problem, Gina. I don't remember anything from that day three years ago."

So...these two scenes practically had the same idea. We attempted to make Lena have localised dissociative amnesia, and even done tons of research about it, but in the end we gave up on this idea. We had absolutely no experience with it, so rather than writing a great idea half-assedly, we decided to scrape the idea completely. It is interesting to look back to see all the ideas we had but didn't have enough potential to write finish, honestly. It gives us tons of reasons why we should keep improving ourselves :D

We're done for today. There'll be a new chapter by the end of this month!! Anyway, please, please comment, I feel so lonely here typing :") just a simple "hi" will do. Thank you for reading!! Oh yes if you comment, I will reply <3 see y'all soon!!

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