Chapter Six

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Turns out that no one cares about me, just like Leon said. I thought dejectedly. With only the wind to distract me from my sorrow, I cried my heart out. I knew that this was so un-princess-like, but who even cares? I swear even the birds were cackling at my misfortune as I sat all alone, friendless. No one had come after me.

I thought about my previous actions. What must the others think of my outburst? Did they think I was ungrateful? Or just a spoiled child wanting attention? I turned red. Spoiled child indeed. I sniffled, trying to calm myself down. Reaching into my small sling bag, I fished out a packet of tissue. I wiped my makeup off. No point in keeping them on if they were ruined, I thought.

All I ever wanted was to be a good princess of Germany, like how Leon was the pride of my parents. But I was nothing, only an annoying girl that would only bring down my family name. I let my thoughts drift to Gion. What did he think of all that? Will he care? I shook my head violently.

My brother doesn't even like me. Why would someone as high status as Gion care about me? Why would someone who I hadn't met for five years care about me when the brother whom I grew up with had just slapped me and thought it was alright? What's the use when Leon doesn't even care about me, thinks I'm not a proper lady and a good-for-nothing? Why is everything I do so wrong?! I just want to make my parents proud of me! Maybe then I can be good enough for Gion to even consider me.

These thoughts were so not me, that they shocked me. Never have I even thought that much about a boy! Most of my worries were often about my parents' approval and Leon's obvious hatred for me, or at least what I had become. Gion was my childhood crush; he shouldn't have dominated my thoughts so much. Besides, I was certain that whatever crush I had for him would have faded in those long five years.

I didn't realise that I was twirling my hair in frustration until soft gentle hands took mine in them and put my hands back to my lap. A low but strangely addictive voice called out, "Hey princess, are you alright?"

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