Deleted scenes part 1

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Scene 1:

My breath caught as he walked closer. Dark, smooth brown hair paired with the most perfect blue eyes. He walked straight to Princess Su Jung, bending down to kiss her hand lightly. I felt a stab in my heart. I shook my head, what was wrong with me? Why was I feeling for someone who I don't even know? He glanced my way briefly; I dodged his gaze as I tried to calm my pounding heart.

I looked to Leon, my older brother. Leon glanced at me, frowning. "You princesses are late by half an hour, Lena." I turned away; I almost forgot how much my brother valued time. Perhaps the instant of fawning over a boy had made me forget. I turned back to him. "It's just half an hour, don't be so inflexible, brother." I heard gasps all around. Spinning around to meet the princesses' and apparently the student council president's surprised faces, I gave a nonchalant smile. "Leon's my older brother."

Well, hm, I have quite a bit to say about this scene - first of which is our initial idea to make it so that no one knew that Leon and Lena were related. We wanted to highlight the fact that the German royal family didn't really put any attention on Lena, so people tend to overlook the fact that she was German royalty. Yet it didn't feel quite right, so we scraped that idea off - mostly because of the fact that if they knew that Lena was a princess of Germany, they would've related her to Leon instantaneously. The second part of this is that we meant to make that Lena didn't know Gion was, but then if Gina was so close with Lena, it doesn't make sense that she didn't know how Gina's brother looked like. Yep, so that's how this became a deleted scene :)

Scene 2:

Leon and Lena were at it again. At the age of six and seven, Leon and Lena fought like usual siblings a lot. Like really a lot. However, something even the servants couldn't deny was that that never happened, not even once, every time their story time was held. Leon's stories were always about how well the kingdom should be ruled, while Lena's about magic and wildness and special powers. Once they got to it, both of them could not stop -- for at least the first few hours. For the past few weeks, they had been onto one story. "I know, I know! Make the king choose the woman with the bow! They can have lots of adventures together!" Leon, however, thought otherwise. "No, he should choose the wise queen!" 

Oh yes, this was a very cute idea. Maybe we will make Lena reminisce her past with Leon in the sequel of Princess Without ended up in deleted scenes because it didn't really went along with the flow of how we wanted the story to be. I felt that it was kind of a pity that we deleted this scene, as it showed how different Leon and Lena were in terms of personality. Then again, when this scene was written, we didn't have an idea of the "big incident" that happened - all we thought of was that they drifted really far apart. 

Anyway, that's it! We're glad we actually bothered to dig out these deleted scenes though, because it was how we realised that we've indeed grown a lot from the way our story started from. We hope you enjoyed these scenes, and will be back tomorrow for more! Till the next time! <3

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