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I used to love the sound of quiet, soothing rain. Until it wrecked my life.

Get out. Run. Don't stop. Those were the last words my mom said to me the last time I saw her and the words I've been saying to myself the past day.

She made me leave her, to save myself. Her and my dad were trying to help hold up a power line from falling on a hospital. Everything was fine and they got it up, until the bad people came.

Scavengers, raiders, ruthless, whatever you want to call them. I was watching from the bed of my dad's blue truck when they came. They started tormenting people, beating them up. I tried to go over to help when I heard my mom screaming, but she was yelling at me, telling me to leave.

I ran as long and far as I could, only stopping to gulp down big breaths of air. I'm taking a break, hands on my knees trying to get air back in my lungs, when I hear a sound I know all too well.

In the distance, I hear crying. Not just crying, but full on sobbing. I take one last deep breath before trying to silently creep over to the edge of the brick wall from where the crying is coming from. I peek my head around the wall, where I find an alley. There are metal trash cans and a big green dumpster, but I don't see any people.

I look around confused, then turn to leave. I hear a big gasp from behind me and snap my head back around. Standing in front of me is a small girl, with red curls in messy pigtails, and big brown eyes. Her eyes are rimmed with red and I assume she was the one sobbing.

Not knowing what to do, I just stand there and blink at her. Then all of the sudden she starts crying again, trying to get words out.
"Ah-help-left-mommy-" I'm not the most comforting person, but I get down on a knee and start rubbing circles on her back.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Deep breaths." She calms down some, breathing quickly. "What's your name?" I ask.

"K-kate." She answers.

"That's a pretty name." I say, taking my hand from her back. She doesn't say anything, just looks back up at me. "My name is Sawyer. I can help you, do you know where your home is?" If she still has a home. Most of the houses and small buildings got destroyed in the storm. Most of everything got destroyed in the storm.

"Far away from here, but I don't want to go back!" She answers, getting upset again.

"Okay, it's okay. Where are you trying to go?" I ask. She sniffles, but doesn't say anything. I look around, unsure what to do. I won't make her talk, but it'll make things complicated. I could take her with me, wherever I'm going. Details I haven't figured out yet.

My plan is to wait a day or two, in a safe place, and then go back to the hospital where mom and dad are. I'm sure they'll still be there, waiting for me. They won't leave there until I'm back with them, that's how they are.

Steering my mind back to the situation I debate what I should do, surely there will be people helping find and house missing people. It would be another mouth to feed, but I can't just leave her here.

"So you don't have anyone or anywhere to go to? I ask.

"No." She says in a quiet voice. I sign and open my mouth to talk, when I hear voices. I stand straight up, and push Kate behind me. I put a finger to my lips to signal her to keep quiet, and turn around when she understandingly nods.

I peer around the corner, expecting to see scavengers, and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I see two boys. They're walking in the middle of the road, quietly talking to each other. The one closest to me is super tall and has dark skin. The other one has sun-tanned skin that makes his dark hair stand out. He has piercing blue eyes that I only notice because they lock with mine.

I quickly pull my head around into the alley and lean my head up against the brick. Maybe he didn't see me, maybe he just thought I was an animal or something. I wait, for what seems like hours but was probably just a minute, and slowly look around the corner again.

I almost laugh in relief when I don't see them anywhere. That was too close for comfort. I stand there for a heartbeat later and kneel down to be face to face with Kate.

"I'm camping out for a few days and I think I need someone to keep me company. Do you want to stay with me?" I ask her. She doesn't answer but grabs my hand and offers a small smile. I assume that means yes, so I smile back and lead the way out of the alley.

When I actually turn the corner and look up, I stop dead in my tracks. I was so sure they were gone, but here the two boys were, standing a few feet away from us.

survivors of the stormजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें