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After walking for almost four hours without trouble, we're almost antsy for something to happen. Things are never this good this long. I don't say anything, I just keep walking.

After thirty more minutes the throbbing in my arm becomes a problem. I'm slowing down, the others walking slower for me. Even Kate is getting restless, running ahead of us and waiting as we walk to catch up to her.

"I think maybe we should take a break," I say, accepting defeat.

"Alrighty. We should scope out a bakery or something. I need some good food." Jax says. Instantly I'm thankful that he's such a bright, happy person.

We walk until we find an old Paris themed bagel shop, complete with macaroons and other pastries. Or it was at one point. When we walk inside, cautiously, and scan the shelves.

There's a few non moldy croissants that Jax claims, breaking one in half for Kate. I decline it when Grayson offers me half of his cookie, my appetite gone.

After sitting down for a little bit on a broken stool, I stand up and walk to the kitchen. Once again, I need to be alone. I lean my head against the cool metal fridge.

I'm only gonna stay like this for a little bit. Just a breather. Couple of seconds. My seconds must've been more like minutes because I hear the kitchen doors swing open.

I jerk my head up, rubbing the red spot it left with my good arm.

"I was just making sure you were okay. You okay?" Grayson says.

"Um yea, I'm fine. I'm okay." I say, mostly to convince myself. He cautiously walks over to me, standing a foot away.

"Look, I know we met like a day ago, but you can lean on me okay? I'll always be there for you." He says, surprising me. He smiles and I'm locked in on his big blue eyes.

"Thank you. For everything." I say.

"What do you mean everything? You helped us more than you think, so actually thank you. I mean it." He replies in a soft voice.

"Believe it or not, I was so scared when we met yall. I thought I was gonna die a couple of times." I say. He grins and looks at his shoes, then back up at me.

"You were never going to die, Sawyer." he says with a small laugh. I just shrug and try to hide my smile. I don't think it works. I'm about to say something else, when I hear glass shatter.

That's never good. We run out of the kitchen to where Jax and Kate are looking around in alarm.

"What was that?" Grayson asks.

"I don't know, I don't see any broken glass but it was so loud it had to have been close." Jax answers. I walk closer to the window, peeking out through it to see if it's the building beside us.

Sure enough there's shattered glass on the ground, stained with blood. I jerk back when I see a person, no three, walking out.

"There's people and bloody glass." I say. Grayson inhales sharply. "Should we wait it out here or?" I ask. They might try to dig through this bakery, and if we're here then..If we try to leave then they might see us. Grayson creeps up to the window, peering out of it.

"There's three men. They're holding someone but I can't see whoever it is. I think we should-" Grayson is cut off by footsteps coming from the kitchen. The doors swing open and someone comes out. It's Aspen.

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