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We sit there peacefully for a while before we hear yelling. I look up and see someone running at us.

It's a woman who has black hair with a few grey strands, and is wearing a ripped purple sweater. I hear Wyatt gasp beside me, and I put two and two together.

That has to be his mom. Wyatt tries to get up, and almost falls, so Aspen helps him stand. Wyatt hobbles a few steps and the woman closes the distance between them, smashing him in a hug.

I look at Aspen, who has a big smile on her face. She confirms my suspicion by mouthing " his mom" to me. I knew he was from around here, but I never thought about his parents being here.

I smile as I watch them reunite. Finally Wyatt pulls his mom off and introduces her to us.

"This is my mom, Michelle." There's a chorus of "hi's" and she says hi back, a smile still plastered on her face. When she realizes that Wyatt is using crutches her face darkens.

"What happened, Wy?" she asks frantically.

"Mom I'm okay, it's just a cut." Wyatt tells her.

"Just a cut? You're on crutches! Who did this?" his mom says, almost yelling.

"I'm fine! It's healing, Grayson fixed it up." he nods slightly at Grayson "It was just scavengers." he says, quieter. His mom huffs out a breath and hugs him again.

I look away from them when I hear a car pulling into the parking lot. My heart seizes in my chest. My parents. I run to the lobby to wait where everyone else is. I look for the familiar face of the lady working at the desk, who has a weird look on her face.

I hear the people from the car being cheered on by everyone standing by the entrance. I look on as two people come through the doors. They're wearing cargo pants and heavy boots. It's not my parents. I wait as another person files in behind them. Also not my parents. I look at the desk lady again, who is already looking at me.

She quickly looks away when my eyes meet hers. I push my way to the front, near her. I see the people closing in as the third person walks in. There's no one else.

"Where are they?" I ask the desk lady. "They were supposed to be here right? Where are they?" I feel someone close behind me and I don't have to look to know it's Grayson. The desk lady looks down at her shoes, then back up at me.

"They strayed away from the group, and now we can't find them." she says in one breath, "We've sent more people out to look for them and they'll find their way back. They have to." she sounds like she's trying to convince herself of that.

I don't hear anything else she says. My vision is blurry with tears and everything sounds rushed together. I sway backwards and Grayson steadies me. He turns me into a hug and holds me tightly. I don't care anymore. I sob into his shoulder as he strokes my back.

How could they be gone? The lady said they were the best at what they do, where did they go? Why did they leave the group? My head is filled with so many questions that I need the answers to. Grayson leads me away from the crowd and to an empty hallway.

"Shh, hey, hey, it's okay," he says in a calming voice. I tightly squeeze the back of his shirt in a balled fist. After a couple minutes my tears have slowed and I'm breathing steadier.

"How-why," I start to say, but I can't get anything out.

"It's okay Sawyer. They're okay." he tells me as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs. I look up at him.

"How can you know?" I ask, barely a whisper.

"Because if they're anything like you, they'll be fine on their own." I lean my head on his chest and when I don't reply, Grayson says, "I'm serious Sawyer. They'll be fine. You'll be fine." I take a deep breath and pick my head up. I look into his piercing blue eyes, the same ones that I saw a lifetime ago.

"They'll be fine." I say, convincing myself. Grayson just nods. "Thank you, and I'm sorry for-"

"Stop, don't be sorry for anything." he tells me. When I open my mouth to argue he puts his hands on either side of my face, and kisses me.

I was expecting anything but that. The thing is, I like it. I like him. I close my eyes and slide my hands through his hair to the back of his neck. His lips are soft and he kisses me gently, as if he thinks I'll break. We break apart the short, sweet kiss and he leans his forehead on mine.

"Okay?" he whispers.

"Okay," I whisper back.

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