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I freeze, dropping Kate's hand to grab the knife I found in my dad's truck from where it was hidden in my sleeve. I hold it out in front of me, trying to look as threatening as I can. I must achieve that, because both of the boys' eyes widen and they take a few steps back.

"Hey, hey, wait, stop," the dark skinned one stutters, holding an arm out. I don't relax, only tighten my grip on the knife.

"Why are you following us?" I ask, still holding the knife in front of me. The blue eyed one is just staring at us, eyes jumping from me to his friend.

"We weren't following you exactly, we just saw you and- Okay maybe we were following you but it was only because you look like you know what you're doing." the first boy says. I take my eyes off of them to glance down at Kate, who is standing close to me chewing on her lip.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm definitely not telling them that. I stand there a moment longer, gathering my thoughts.

"How and why do you think I'm gonna be able to help you?" I ask sharply.

"You could start by putting away that knife, and then maybe tell us your name." he answers in an almost questioning voice. I slowly lower the knife, not putting it away but not pointing it at them. They don't look dangerous, and I guess Kate thinks that too because she answers.

"My name is Kate, and this is Sawyer." she says, nodding in my direction. I glare down at her, she just gave up information that I would rather have kept to myself.

"I'm Jax and this is Grayson." he says softly nodding his head towards the blue eyed boy. He just offers a small smile. I glance between the two of them, still unsure if they're a threat.

"So?" Jax says.

"So, what?" I reply.

"Can we go with yall?" He says.

"Go with us? Where?" I say, confused.

"Aren't you guys trying to find your parents?" he asks. It must be a common theme, if they know exactly what we're doing. I'm about to answer when I feel a tug at the bottom of my shirt. I look down to see Kate, gesturing to me to talk to her a little ways away. I nod, glancing one more time at the boys.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can they come? Please?" She asks. Why does she want them to come? It's just more responsibility. Maybe more help. Maybe.

"Why? How do you know they're not dangerous or tricking us?" I ask her. She looks back at them and smiles,

"I just know they aren't," She answers. Before I can ask her what she means, I hear footsteps rushing behind me and I feel a hand on my upper arm. I'm dragged into the alley where I met Kate, kicking out trying to free myself. I turn and get a good look at my attacker, It's Grayson.

He puts a finger to his lips and when I stop fighting, he points to the street. I look out to where he pointed, understanding why we're hiding. More scavengers.

I take a sharp breath and look back at Grayson, then to Jax who is kneeling beside Kate. I look back out to the street, seeing the scavengers picking through a crumbling building. Probably looking for food. We stay there for a while longer, until we don't hear any more voices or rustling.

Letting out a deep breath I step around the corner slowly, making sure they're truly gone. When I survey the area and don't see anyone, I motion for the others to come out. I turn to face them, saying what I've been thinking,

"So you're not trying to kill us?"

"Nope. So, please?" Jax asks, knowing I know what he's talking about.

"Please?" Grayson says, the first words I've heard him say. I let out a long breath.


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