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We walk for a good while, until the sun starts to set. Kate is holding my hand, but I can feel her slowing down.

"I think we should find a place to sleep." I say.

"Agreed." Jax says. "I think I see a motel, we should keep walking until then."
I don't say anything, I just keep walking.

By the time we're at the motel Kate is pretty much asleep on my back. I wait while Jax and Grayson scope out the rooms, looking for one to claim.

Ever since the Storm came hotels and businesses have closed, leaving fully stocked buildings everywhere. Most are fine, but some got destroyed, by the Storm or groups of scavengers.

I see Jax come around the corner which snaps me out of my thoughts.
"I found us a room with two beds and a bathroom. Grayson went to find towels and food."

I don't have the energy to say anything, so I just nod in what I hope is an appreciative way. He leads us around the corner and a couple doors down to a room with the door cracked slightly. He nudges the door with his food, opening it fully.

I walk inside, looking around at it. There's two full sized beds with faded red comforters, and a small desk. Across from the beds is a dresser with a coffee maker and microwave on it. On the wall across from the door there is a smaller door that leads to the bathroom.

I claim the bed closest to the bathroom by carefully setting Kate down on one side. I sit down on the other side, watching as Jax goes through all of the drawers.

"Sometimes people leave money and stuff in here." He says to me.

"I don't think we're that lucky." I say. Just as I figured, he didn't find anything and accepts defeat. He sits down on the other bed and we sit there in comfortable silence, waiting for Grayson.

A couple minutes later Grayson comes through the door with his hands full of towels and snacks.

"I had to break into another room to get these towels." He says to no one in particular.

"That's why you're the best." Jax says cheerfully. Grayson sets the towels down on the dresser and throws the snacks on the end of my bed.

"Thanks." I say as I reach down to grab a pack of M&Ms and a granola bar. After they each take what they want I get up and put the rest of the food in the microwave to give to Kate later. I sit on the edge of the bed, mirroring the way the boys are sitting on their bed.

"So, now that we're trying to survive together I think we should introduce ourselves." I say.

"Agreed. I'll go first." Jax says. "My name is Jax, I'm 16, I like soccer, and I'm trying to find my parents." That's an interesting mix of fun facts. I look at Grayson, who is sipping on water in one of the coffee cups. Understanding that I'm volunteering him to go next, he sets the cup down.

"Well as we know," he says, teasing Jax for stating the obvious,"I'm Grayson, I'm 17, and I'm trying to find my family." He keeps it short. Then they're both looking at me, expectantly.

"Uh, I'm trying to find my parents, I'm 16, and I know how to knock someone out in 5 seconds." I say, somewhat as a joke, somewhat as a threat. I smile sweetly, saying nothing else as I get up and grab a towel.

I head to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I strip down, out of my dirty clothes and set them down on the toilet.

I start the shower and get in the soothing, hot water. As I go through the events of the day I take a deep, shaky breath. In a matter of hours I got separated from my parents, met three total strangers, and stupidly decided to break into a motel with them.

Just because they're kids doesn't mean they're good people or trustworthy. Not anymore. Ever since the Storm took away and destroyed everything, no one does stuff for the right reasons. Tragedy really brings out the people in people.

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