Poem #1: This Once Beautiful World

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I wrote this poem originally in 6th grade and I decided to edit it and continue. My inspiration was the shallow minded definition of beauty a lot of people seem to carry around nowadays. I believe that everything has beauty, whether it's inside or outside. I wrote this poem in the hopes that more people would realize that.


If the world was a mirror, what would people see?

Bits of imperfection mixed with uncertainty?

This here is the story of a ne'r do well...

The story our ancestors almost forgot to tell.

It was a while back, centuries and eons ago.

Compassion and labor was all people would know.

Happiness had a simple definition in their time.

There was a distinction between yours and mine.

Then they came...

The vanity, the greed, the thirst for fame.

All of that overtook the time

When even the strangest ideas had the chance to shine .

Beauty became the close- minded definition of an equally ignorant being. 

Appearance seemed to be the only importance

Personality had lost its meaning.

They've sent us many warnings.

All of which we've chosen to ignore.

So tell me, what are we supposed to do

When the true definition is no more?

I beg you now; turn back.

Can't you see; we've all gone astray.

We've got to work while there's still something worth saving..

We can't throw this once beautiful world away. 

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