Poem #10: The Unbelievable Truth

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Okay, so I found this in my computer. I decided to post it. (Wow, really?!) Tell me what you think, and thanks for reading! :)


So cold and alone

A heart made of stone

Walls put up for few to see.

A smile on my face

Put there to replace

The memories of a bitter past.

A girl forced to be strong

Given no choice but to play along.

All the emptiness

Comes rushing back at times

And when it shows

Few know

The pain behind the laughter.

The tears behind the smile.

Forced to be strong

Until it became my character.

Told so many lies.

Until even the truth was unbelievable.

So you can't blame me.

I've been through far too much

To see someone so oblivious

That they truly have that much self-pity.

Is that what you want?


You're not getting it from me.

It's a cruel world out there.

Cold air, and bitter stares.

Just keep moving on.

You've got your life

And I've got mine.

I'm strong enough to know

Not to let my sorrow show

That's how they'll get you.

It's a bitter world.

But only if you let it be.

There's dazzling mountains

And shining seas.

All that could be a mirage

If you won't open your eyes.

Reality's waiting.

You have to face it.

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