Poem #6: Believing

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So, this one's a bit peppier than my last ones, that's for sure! :) Basically, I want to live this life to the fullest, but you know what they say. "Easier said than done." Simply dreaming is easy, believing in them is the hard part. Also, Peter Pan reference in the poem! Here's a little secret: when I was about 5-6 years old, I had the biggest crush on Peter Pan. Yup, lol. Okay, that's enough of my chatter! Thanks for reading :)


I don't want to just keep saying "What if?"

I want to be the girl

Who says "Remember when?" 

I want to visit the Eiffel Tower 

At Midnight.

I want to go skydiving

From a hot-air balloon, mid-flight. 

I want to be like Cinderella

And find my prince at the ball.

I need to find a way

To smile

To laugh

While looking back on it all.

My life will be a story

Millions will read.

The story of a girl who lived

And loved

Not a word wasted.

Not a breath taken for granted. 

I want to be like Wendy and find my Peter Pan.

We can fly away 

And sail through Neverland.

Captain Hook would never catch us.

We'd be too busy dreaming. 

I want to ride the world's rollercoasters 

And lose my voice from screaming.

Climbing Mount Fuji seems like such an easy feat

Until you get halfway

And your mind is just wailing "Retreat!".

But I don't want to give up.

I want to reach the top

And yell out my deepest secrets.

Dreaming is so easy.

The hard part is believing. 

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