Poem #3: Butterfly Wings

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Okay, so....this is poem numero tres. (Lol, no duh, Dora!) This was actually inspired not by an experience, but by a song and an album. The song that inspired me was 'Paradise' by Coldplay and the album was 'Brand New Eyes' by Paramore. I guess we're all born natural dreamers. Right? Sometimes life just gives us obstacles that are too hard to pass, and our ambition just....breaks. I wrote this poem to remind you (my readers) that if you EVER are going through a hard time, and you just wanna give up, don't. It gets better, I promise you. We all have happy endings; sometimes we just have to write them ourselves. :)


A little girl sat in her cave

Full of wonders, and lies.

Fiction became her mindset

Reality often took her by surprise.

No one missed her.

She had strayed far away

Away from the lifeless place she once called home.

She figured it was just for a day.

That day quickly faded into a year.

All because far too soon

She had been confronted by her deepest fear.

Reality was a cruel oppression

Often leaving in its tracks, depression.

The little girl refused; she was determined to survive.

Fantasy had become her life.

How determined she was to make it out alive.

So she grew wings.

Butterfly wings

And flew away

Into the clouds

Away from the crowds

They watched merely in awe.

They couldn't see the heartache.

They couldn't see.

They couldn't see the misery

Behind such a beautiful moment...

They saw the moment, but not the girl.

Tears were running down her face in torrents.

Her heart was broken in pieces

Scattered amongst the clouds.

Reality had taken over her.

No longer did the girl dream for hours without end.

Her imagination and ambition had vanished.

And so had she.

Because reality tries to capture us all...

Sooner or later.

That's why we have to dream.

We have to keep on dreaming

And grow butterfly wings.

One day, we will win

The battle of this unfair life.

A brighter sun lies ahead

A clear sky without rain.

We must never stop dreaming.

The girl's perils can't have been in vain.

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