Long-Distance Call -- The Choice

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We came back to the motel room after three hours of trying to get some information from the town. "Anything?" I ask lightly as I toss my jacket onto the bed.

"After three house, I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here." Sam confesses with an exhausted look on his face.

Dean whistled. "Wow, you know, you'd think a Stanford Education and a high-school hookup rate of 0.0 would produce better results than that." Dean sassed.

"Hilarious." I comment dryly.

Dean shoots me a smirk. "Sam, you're just looking in the wrong places, pal."

"And what are the right places, Dean?" Sam asks.

I yawn tiredly. "Yeah, we did not find anything out in town, Dean. What are you going on about?"

Dean just smirked again. "Motel pamphlet rack." Dean mentions as he tugs out a little slip of paper. He tossed it onto the table. "Milan, Ohio-- birthplace of Thomas Edison."

"So?" I ask.

Dean just gestures to it. "Read it."

I roll my eyes and park myself onto the couch besides Sam and we both look over the pamphlet. "You're kidding." Sam mentions after reading it over.

I chuckle. "Damn, that's a new one on me."

I never thought I'd be going through a tour about Thomas Edison. He wasn't exactly no the top of my list when it came to interesting people. "And we're walking~" The tour guide was incredibly annoying, at least to me, she was. "And, here we have one of the museum's most unique and treasured possessions-- Thomas Edison's Spirit Phone." The tour guide chirped. "Did you know that Mr. Edison, while being one of America's most beloved inventors, was also a devout occultist?"

"What's with the quotey fingers?" Dean whispers to me.

"He spent years working on this, his final invention, which he was convinced could be used to communicate with the dead. Pretty spooky, huh?" No one made a comment. "And we're walking. We are walking!" The tour guide states after checking her watch. She keeps repeating that we're walking, and now I've got the insatiable urge to knock her lights out.

"Anything?" I ask Sam after he tugs out his EMF reader.

"Nothing." Sam sighs.

"What do you think?" Dean asks.

"Honestly?" I hum. "It kind of looks like an old piece of junk to me." I express.

"It's not even plugged in."

"Maybe it doesn't work like that." Sam shrugs.

"Okay... Maybe it's like a radio tower, you know, broadcasting the dead all over town." Dean suggests.

Sam and I share a look before shrugging. "Yeah, could be." I hum.

"Well, you know the caller I.D.'s a hundred years old, right?" Dean asks. "Right around the time this thing was built."

"Yeah, but why would it all of a sudden start working now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." I sigh. "But, this old moldy piece of junk is the best reason we got."

"So, maybe it really is Dad." Dean comments.


Later that night, Dean remained by his phone at the table. "Dean, why don't you come to bed?" I hum sluggishly as I stepped over to him.

I could feel his palm slip over my lower back before he guided me to sit in his lap. I wasn't about to refuse either. I gave a soft sigh as I curled against his chest, and pulled his free hand to the subtle swell of my belly. "I can't sleep." He mentions softly.

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