Bedtime Stories -- Ravage

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"The huntsman stepped inside, and in the bed lay the wolf. So the huntsman took a pair of scissors and cut open the wolf's belly." Dr. Garrison read to the dark haired woman laying the bed before him. He stopped reading once he noticed us staring. "Detectives, can I help you?" He hummed softly.

"We just heard that Callie is your daughter." I hum softly. "And we wanted to say how very sorry we are."

"Well, uh, thank you." Dr. Garrison nodded. "If you'll excuse me..."

"Oh, we're heading this way. We'll walk with you." Dean hummed. "How long has Callie been like that?"

"W-We don't mean to intrude." I quickly input. "We can't possibly understand how hard it must be for you seeing her like this."

"Yeah," Dr. Garrison breathed. "It's not easy. She's uh, been here since she was eight years old."

"That's when she was poisoned?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah, swallowed bleach." Dr. Garrison nodded. "Never figured out how she got her hands on the bottle. My wife found her, brought her to the E.R. here, and I was on call."

"Your wife was, uh-- was that Callie's stepmother?" Dean asks.

"Actually, yes. How'd you know that?" Dr. Garrison hummed.

"Lucky guess," Dean answered.

"Well, Julie was the only mother that Callie ever knew." Dr. Garrison answered. "My wife passed away last year, and uh, it's just my daughter and me now. She's all I got left." He went silent for a moment before sighing. "Excuse me. I've got to get back to work."

"Yeah," Dean nodded, letting the doctor leave silently.

"Well, you're right. Its Snow White in Spades." Dean hummed lightly to me.

"Yep. Stepmom poisons the girl, puts her into a deep sleep." I retort. "What's the motive, you think?"

"It could be like Mischa Barton." Dean comments. "Sixth Sense, not The O.C." Dean quickly interjects himself.

"What?!" Sam asked incredulously.

"Hey, you two nerds know Fairy Tales, I know movies." Dean mocks. "She played the pasty ghost. Remember the mom had that thing, you know, where you keep the kid sick so you get all the attention?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy." Sam hummed. He huffed. "Could be."

"So, say, all these years Callie's been suffering silently because nobody knows the truth about what Mommy Dearest did." Dean suggests.

"And after all this time, her spirit just gets angrier and angrier until it finally just starts lashing out." I add. "Meanwhile, she has to listen to Dad tell her deranged stories about a rabid wolf or a cabalistic old lady. It's enough to drive anybody nuts."

"Okay, but how are we gonna stop her?" Sam asks. "I mean, Callie is stuck in here. Her father's keeping her body alive."

"That does make it hard to burn the bones." Dean states.

"Uh, yeah," I chuckle. A trolley rolled in carting an old woman. "Ah, I'm guessing she's already re-created Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma's been beaten senseless by the looks of it." I mention as I follow after them. I wait until they finish trying to save her. I barge in with my badge ready. "Excuse me-- was she the only victim?" I question softly.

"She was found by the side of the road, barely alive. Alone." The paramedic answered solemnly.

"We need to find her next of kin." Dean states.

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