Chapter 12: A Simple Time

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(Second Opening Theme: Naruto Shippuden Opening 3-Bluebird Performed By Ikimono-Gakari)

-Years Ago; Patch-

    On the small island of Patch, in a house made of wood, four young girls ran along the grassy fields on the plains. They were playing a simple game of tag, though the smallest one had been on another girl's back. The one that had been carrying the young silver eyed girl, had been the one chasing them as she had eyes of red and black hair with a small ponytail as she had most of it tied in a small ponytail.

A young girl with golden eyes and red streaks ran beside her as she had on a set of blue overalls with a dark green t-shirt. The fourth, had lilac purple eyes and golden hair tied in a set of pigtails.

    The girls laughed as she made an effort to catch them as they each giggled.

    "You can't catch us~!" The girl with golden hair said in a teasing manner.

    "Oh I definitely can catch you!" The girl with the white ribbon said as she kept up her pace.

    "Face it Melody, you can't catch us with Ruby on your back!" The girl with golden eyes said.

    "I can too Maize!" The girl with the white ribbon--Melody said, "You and Yang! Just watch.

    The little one Ruby soon tugged on Melody's shirt and started to sign to her. She flapped her arms back and forth like she had been trying to fly. Melody had gotten the idea as she smiled, "Good Idea Ruby!"

    She allowed Ruby to climb off of her back before Melody jumped in the air. In a split second, she had turned into a bird as the white ribbon had been wrapped around her neck. She flew high above the girl with golden hair, named Yang and the one named Maize, as they had just now noticed she wasn't there.

    "Hey, where did you go?" She heard Yang say.

    Melody soon flew just behind them as she shifted back. She soon gave them a tap on the shoulder making them both jump. "Tag!" She said, "You're it now!"

    "That's not fair Melody!" Yang yelled as she flailed her arms, "You cheated!"

    "That's against the rules!" Maize said.

    "It doesn't say I can't use my semblance, now does it?" Melody said, "Right Ruby?"

    "Fair and square!" Little Ruby said.

    "Oh yeah?" Yang said before she playfully tackled her to the ground. Melody soon started to burst out laughing as she felt Yang's fingers dance under her arms and around her stomach and legs. "TICKLE FIGHT!" Maize cried out as she joined in on the action.

    Melody started to laugh as she kicked her legs, "N-No, no, stop! Ruby help! I need assistance!"

    "Tickle monster!" Little Ruby cried out before she hopped onto Yang and Maize. They both let out a groan pretending they were hurt before they fell onto the ground in a pile. The four young girls could only laugh as they stayed in a puppy pile. It hadn't been long until--

    "Lunchtime kids, come and get it!" They heard Taiyang say.

    The girls got up off the ground before running towards the front porch where he had been as he had been holding a plate of sandwiches, ones that contained peanut butter and jelly and grilled cheese. They sat on the steps as they started to happily munch on it, while helping themselves to refreshments. It hadn't been long till Taiyang had noticed their clothes had been a bit stained with dirt.

    "What were you girls doing?" He asked them.

    "We were playing tag!" Maize replied happily.

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