Chapter 10: Consequences

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(Opening Theme: RWBY V4 Opening-Let's Just Live Performed By Casey Lee Williams)


A few weeks had gone by since Port came by to visit. Since then Yang felt something in her change since she had talked it out with her father, her teachers, even her cousin. She felt what they told her play on repeat as she had come to realize what she had been doing for all these past months since Beacon.

All she had really been doing was feeling sorry for herself, and if she had to be honest... She hated it. And for the first time in a long time, she was gonna do something about it, once after she put on her new arm.

Mazie sat on the sidelines with Zwei settled in her lap as they watched Taiyang and Yang engage in hand to hand combat. Both Yang and Taiyang threw one punch after another; one after another they blocked each other's attacks. The pattern continued on and on, leaving Maize impressed by how well they were both able to hold out for so long.

Finally with her new appendage, Yang punched Taiyang so hard that he skidded across the dirt ground, leaving Maize to look in awe as she whistled.

"Bravo Yang!" Maize said as she clapped, "Bravo!"

"Whew!" Taiyang said as he recovered, "That thing packs a punch!"

"What were you expecting Uncle?" Maize asked with amusement, "A punch from pillows?"

Yang and Taiyang couldn't help but give a laugh. "Come on dad." Yang soon said, "We've been at this for a few weeks now. I get what your trying to do. You want to make sure I can still fight."

"It looks like she still can to me." Her cousin said, "So why put the extra effort?"

"You're--Close." Taiyang told his daughter. He soon stood upright and circled Yang as he assessed her progress. "I'm close?" She said, "Really?"

"You're... Still out of balance." Taiyang had informed her.

"What!?" She said surprised, "No I'm not!"

He only chuckled at this, earning a look from his daughter. After removing Zwei from her lap, Maize soon went over to her side as she had been curious about something.

"So cus, pray tell." She said, "How does it feel having an arm made from Atlas?"

"Honestly..." Yang started to say, as she started to move her fingers, "... I'm surprised. I thought it would be this huge weight but... It feels natural. Atlas really did a good job on this thing."

"I can tell." Maize said, "As always your a natural."

Yang and Maize were soon taken back when Taiyang got the jump on his daughter. Yang quickly blocked his attacks as she soon caught ahold of his elbow that had nearly hit her right in the cheek as Maize backed up a bit. "I wasn't talking about your actual balance." He told her.

With a sweep of his leg, Yang was knocked off her feet as she hit the ground with a grunt.

"Although--" Taiyang said as he walked over to Zwei, taking a towel from him before giving him a pat on the head as a sign of gratitude, before he wiped himself up with it, "--That could use some work too."

"Well that was unexpected." Maize said as she helped her to sit up.

"I saw your tournament fights during the Vytal Festival." Taiyang soon said.

Yang rolled her eyes as she rubbed the back of her neck, "Wait... Don't tell me! I was sloppy?"

"No, no." Taiyang replied, "You were... Predictable, stubborn and maybe a LITTLE boneheaded."

The Shadow of Grimm (Rewritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon