Chapter 7 Epilogue: The Lost Princess

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-Beacon, Night of the Fall-

Pyrrha placed Destiny on the ground as she went to throw her shield just as Cinder fired her arrow. As the two collided, the arrow broke itself apart, before putting itself back together just as the shield past. The arrow soon hit Pyrrha in the ankle causing her to cry out and Cristal to jump at her scream. She tried to stand up, but the pain in her ankle had been too great; the flower in her hair glowed a violent red as Cinder stepped towards her.

"It's unfortunate, you were promised a power that was never truly yours..." Cinder said as she circled her.

She soon kneeled before putting her hand underneath her chin to get her to look at her, "But take comfort in knowing..." Cinder said, "... That I will use in ways... You cannot imagine."

Pyrrha removed her head from her hand as she looked Cinder in the eye, asking only one thing.

"...Do you believe in destiny...?"

"... Yes."

Despite the amount of pain the child had been in, Destiny rolled over on her stomach, before she made her way towards Pyrrha. She managed to get behind her as she reached out to her taking her hand.

"...P... y... ra...?" She groaned as she felt Pyrrha's hand shake a little, "... P... y... ra...?"

She felt Pyrrha tighten her grip just as Cinder materialized her bow and another arrow. "No!" Cristal exclaimed as she desperately tried to create another barrier to appear in front of Pyrrha, "No! No! No! No!"

"Destiny..." Pyrrha soon whispered, "... Thank you..."

And just like that, she let go of the string and let the arrow fly hitting Pyrrha in the chest, and Cristal froze at the sight. Pyrrha only gasped as she reached for the arrow and within a matter of a few moments, Destiny felt her hand go limp. Cinder tossed her bow down as she put her hand onto Pyrrha's head, just as her eyes lost its color before her entire body glowed a bright orange.

Before Cristal's very eyes, her body turned to ash, and blew away in the wind.

The only thing that had been left of her, was her crown, the flower that started to flicker red, and the bracelet to which had laid in Destiny's hand.

Cristal had been left stunned as she went over to where Pyrrha once was, with Cinder watching her do so. With her hands shaking she picked up the crown, looking to it for only a few moments before tears began to fall onto the ground and crown, just as she saw her sister's tears fall despite the fact she couldn't change her expression at the moment.

"No...!" She cried as she hugged the crown, "... No...!... Pyrrha...!"

Cinder only watched as Cristal continued to sob, completely forgetting the fact that she had been in front of them. It hadn't been long before she noticed the flower on the floor, as it still flickered like that of a light bulb. She picked it up off the floor, taking a closer look at it before she smiled.

"Now this is a surprise." She said to herself, "To think one would be here in a place like this."

She chuckled as she turned to the two girls in front of her, "Looks like I get to kill two birds... With one stone."

Cinder soon reached out to Cristal, though just before she could do anything--


The whole world soon turned to white, as a scream from Cristal was soon heard.


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