Epilogue: Nothing Short of a Miracle

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"Destiny... "

The sound of a lady's voice had gotten her attention, as she opened her eyes. She found herself standing before a tree with orange flowers that seemed to have glowed dimly. She had been in awe by the sight as the petals fell from its very branches.

She managed to catch one in the palm of her hands; she could feel the warmth from the flower itself as it glowed like that of a flame, before it had vanished.

She was soon taken back by when she had been blinded by a bright flash.


She opened her eyes before she found herself standing in the middle of a desert; the sun had practically been above her head as it had only confused her.

Just then the voice called out.


Destiny had jumped as she noticed what appeared to be a pedestal. Up on it looked to be an object that appeared to be floating. She couldn't tell what the object had been due to the blinding light of the sun, and the humidity she felt hit her body; yet despite this, she found herself going towards the object, going so far as to reach out to it.

The voice soon came again.

"Destiny...I'm waiting for you."

Just as she reached towards the object--She had been taken back as the world suddenly turned dark as she looked frightened. What appeared to be a red light seemed to have illuminated the entire world as there looked to be a blood red moon above her head as the atmosphere around her became cold.

It hadn't been long before she noticed someone behind her as she could see the sight of a blade. She jumped back as she turned around fast, only to see it had been the woman from her previous dream. Just as it was before, all she could see from the woman was her red eyes.

The child couldn't help but back up from the sight of her until her back hit the pedestal before she heard the sound of... A crow.

She turned again, and saw a crow with glowing red eyes before it flew towards her--Its wings and body had become large as it seemed to have engulfed the world she had been standing in.


Destiny found herself sitting up suddenly as she nearly let out of the bed as she fell face first onto the floor. She managed to collect herself, before she pulled herself up back on the bed as she sat on the side.

"That dream again... Is that person... Really Yang? If she is... Why does she keep... Attacking me...?"

She soon looked out the window as the sun had already been setting, "... Mr. Guardian--If this really is you... What are you trying to tell me?"

She soon heard a knock at the door, before it yawned open. Sage soon stepped into the room, "Hey Dessie--Old buddy, old pal!"

"Hey there Sage." Destiny greeted with a smile.

"Hope you're done with your little nap--" Sage said before she placed her arm on her shoulder, "--Because we're gonna--" She soon did a pose as she raised her fist in the air, "--HAVE A NIGHT OUT ON THE TOWN!!"

She soon jumped when Coby came bursting into the room, "NIGHT ON THE TOWN BABY!!"

"Wait, is it really okay?" Destiny asked, "To go without Oscar?"

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