Chapter 3: Like Morning Follows Night

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(Opening Theme: RWBY V4 Opening Theme-Let's Just Live Performed By Casey Lee Williams)

-Somewhere Across the Ocean-

The boat had glided across the water, like an aircraft in the clouds. Many of its passengers on board were either enjoying the view or just running about the deck. Blake Belladonna was one of it's passengers that had stood among the crowd, looking upon the ocean, just having thoughts about all that has happened over the course of a few moments.

At one point she looked down at a beaded bracelet around her wrist, as she couldn't but reminisce. She had been worried about the two sisters since the Fall of Beacon. It was bad enough that Cristal had been put into a coma, but for Destiny to turn up missing? She couldn't help but feel like she was to blame.

The only reason why it had been like this because of the White Fang.

A group she had been a part of.

She had to leave for everyone's sake.

For her teammates sake...

She couldn't risk anymore of them getting hurt.

She looked upon children playing nearby, without a care in the world; for a single brief moment she saw two familiar faces appear before her very eyes, having the familiar smile on their faces. The little one for a moment turned to her and--

"Hey sis?"

Blake had been startled when she saw a girl looking no more than sixteen beside her; she had the same eyes as her as well as a set of cat ears like she did; she appeared to have her right ear chipped and looked to have a scar under her lip and cheek. She had on a pair of golden bracelets, a gray jacket with a dark brown shirt, and a pair of black shorts, with dark red boots. One her hands, her left looked to be wrapped in bandages while her left had been a vambrace in the color of gray.

"Shae..." Blake said with relief, "... You scared me."

"Sorry about that..." Shae said, as she handed her a bottle of water, "... Here. Just bought this. Thought you might be thirsty."

Blake took the water bottle from her, "... Thank you."

She took a sip from it, as she gazed at the ocean once more; Shae did the same as she stood by her awkwardly.

"... It's weird being with you again." Shae couldn't help but say, "... Not that I'm saying I'm grateful or anything, but... I didn't expect you to forgive me after all I said to you when you left..." Her ears on her head slanted a little, "... Sorry... I'm bringing you down, aren't I?"

Blake shook her head to her, "... It's alright. I'm just glad you were able to come to your senses and left the White Fang."

Shae only gave a small smile, "After what Adam did to you and that girl, and... What he made us do to Beacon... It was the wake up call I needed." She soon had a guilty look on her face, "... I just wished I could've stopped it."

Blake pulled Shae closer to her, as she allowed her head to lean on her shoulder, "... It's not your fault..." Was the only thing she had told her.

Shae stayed silent as she slowly shut her eyes, just listening to the sound of the waves and wind.

There was a time when there was a distance between Blake and her younger sister; that time was when they were a part of the White Fang. When they were only children, the participated in the protests and rally's; as they had always been at the front of the line. They began to grow apart, when the White Fang turned to a more violent approach. Shae appeared to fully support their new leader and Adam's strategies while Blake had realized their mistakes and saw the path they were on, wasn't the right one.

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