Chapter 15: When I'm With You I'm Home

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A short time had passed since teams RNJR and CRMS along with Roman had arrived at their destination, and they all took this as an opportunity to relax after how long it had taken them all to get where they were now.

They all did enjoy that they had the perfect opportunity to collect their thoughts and to gather their energy after the many battles they fought together as one.

Some of them had to admit, the road was long, and even tough on them both physically, mentally and even emotionally, but they were able to pull through, because they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

Now that they were all here they wanted to savoir their small victory since it had all been worth it in the end, despite the obstacles they had faced.

Currently, Nora, Ren, Rosario and Scout were all playing cards in one of the joined rooms they were currently staying in during their time in Mistral. They all sat around a bed, with Rosario only having one leg since her prosthetic was currently being repaired, and they were playing a game of poker and they were betting with various snacks and or candy they had gotten on their travels and the now little Grimm Griffon was curled up on the other bed and was fast asleep.

They were studying the cards in their hands carefully as they looked at each other not knowing who was holding what in their hands.

Rosario smirked at what she had in her hand, "I raised three chocolate bars." Rosario said, pushing two chocolate bars in the middle.

"I fold." Scout said, gathering the cards in her hand.

"Can't me out of this one." Ren said, putting his cards on the bed.

"I raise you three lollipops." Nora said, pushing some lollipops into the center.

"Oh, getting bold are we?" Rosario said with a raised eyebrow, "Well we'll see about that..."

With a smirk on her face Rosario laid down the cards she had face up in front of her; there were four cards that had the same number.

"Read'em and weep, four of a kind." Rosario said triumphantly as she went to take the candy from the middle. Though she stopped when Nora placed the cards that she had in her hand and had put Rosario into shock.

She had a Royal Straight Flush.

"WHAT AND HOW?!" Rosario exclaimed.

"Woohoo!" Nora cheered as she took the candy in the middle, "I win the pot!"

Rosario groaned at this, as she fell back into the bed. "I don't believe it, that's the sixth time she won this round!" Scout said.

"That's not fair!" Rosario said before saying to Nora as she sat back up, "You said you never played before!"

"You're just upset because I beat you at poker!" Nora said, sticking her tongue out at her.

"On the bright side, at least we're not playing with real money." Ren said.

"Yeah I would've lost everything I had in my wallet if that were the case." Rosario said as she fell back onto the bed.

The door soon opened as it had been revealed to be Cristal as she had cracked her neck. "Hey guys!" She said, "Playing cards?"

"Cristal?" Rosario said, a bit shocked, "You're still here?"

"I thought you would've gone to the hospital with Ruby and Jaune to see your dad." Nora said.

"Eh, I wanted to sleep in." Cristal said as she sat on the bed, "After a long few months of traveling it felt nice to sleep in a real bed. Dad would get where I'm coming from. Plus you gotta have one more hand to keep an eye on Qrow."

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