Chapter 1: RNJR and CRMS

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(Opening Theme: RWBY V4 Opening Theme-Let's Just Live Performed By Casey Lee Williams)

-Somewhere in Anima-

    In a forest outside a village nearby, three people walked beside one another, as they chatted.

    One possed long black hair and was wearing a sleeveless tailcoat with a black turtleneck and a pair of white pants with pink and black detached sleeves; around his wrist he had on a green beaded bracelet with a certain logo.

    Beside him was a girl possessing shoulder length orange hair, with the ends curled. She had on a pair of pink fingerless gloves and a white top with the heart cut diagonally; over it shehad on a blue and black bomber jacket with pink stripes. She also had on a a pink skirt with white boots and pink laces.

On her wrist she had on a beaded bracelet like the boy, but hers had been in pink and white.

Their names had been Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie.

Two more had been walking with them, one possessed gray pigtails and prothstetic legs, and the other had orange hair like Nora though it had been in a lighter shade, and she had a pair of fox ears and a tail.

Their names had been Rosario Black, and Scout Lapis.

And it looked as though they were having a debate.

"For the last time, that team name you've thought of just sounds dumb!" Rosario told her.

"Look, I'm just saying, there's more members of JNPR than there is RWBY!" Nora told her, "It just makes sense to go with that one!"

"But JNRR (Junior) isn't a color." Ren pointed out.

"See!?" Rosario practically yelled, "He gets it!"

"Nora, we're not trying to say it's a bad name." Scout said, "But all we're saying is the other one would make more sense."

Nora couldn't help but let out a groan, "How can I be more clear!?"

She held out her hand and the name JNRR suddenly appeared seemingly out of thin air, taking Rosario and Scout back; though, Ren remained unphased.

"One--Two--Three!" She counted while pointing to the letters, "That's MORE--Than one!"

"But we're helping Ruby with her objective." Ren said holding out his hand having the letters RNJR (Ranger) appear, making the two girls jump again, "Shouldn't that make her our leader?"

"Okay, how are you doing that?" Rosario asked.

"Doing what?" Ren and Nora said in unison.

"Guys... We need to stay focused."

Their attention was drawn over to their team leader Jaune who was crouching in front of a large log, alongside the second scythe user, Melody Wren Branwen along with a white fox with blue eyes by the name of Frosty; Melody looked to be playing on a guitar as she was making whatever tune came to mind.

Though a man stood beside the two of them, as he looked to be holding a cane. He had on a dark black buckled trench coat as his shirt looked to be in a pale white color revealing some faded scars along his chest, and he had on a set of dark brown gloves as well as a set of lightish brown hiking boots.

Upon his head he looked to have a dark gray fedora with a black strap and his hair looked to be in a darker shade of orange that looked to be a little long and disheveled. He also appeared to have signs of a beard growing in as he smoked from a cigar as he had been sitting on the ground with his head back.

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