Chapter 2: Prisoners

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-Three Years Ago; Vale's Apartment 3G-

"So... Where should we go now...?"

"... Wherever you'd like."

"... How could the Gods let this happen...?"

"Please... Please bring them back..."

"... Let them rest..."

"... This isn't right! I'm begging you! Don't do this!"

"We finally had freedom..."

Destiny awoke with a gasp at sudden burst of flames; she found herself struggling to breath as her heart raised at the sudden fear she felt. She had only been able to calm down since her sister had been by her side as she gently shushed her.

"There now, it's alright." Cristal said to her softly, giving her a pat on the back, "You're okay Princess."

Destiny soon heaved a deep sigh as she seemed to have calmed down. Destiny wiped the sweat from her brow before rubbing her eyes.

"Cristal--" She stammered, "--I--I had--"

Though she couldn't finish her sentence, Cristal seemed to get the idea of what she wanted to tell her. "... It's the dreams again, isn't it?"

Destiny gave a nod, as she let out a yawn, "...I saw her... That lady..."

"I know." Cristal replied softly, before she helped her out of bed, removing her IV bag from the stand provided on the side of where she slept. She set it on her lap as she sat behind her with a brush in hand she had gotten on the dresser between them.

"... It's the strangest thing..." Destiny said as she stretched while Cristal brushed her hair gently with the comb, "... That lady... In my dreams... Even though she's a stranger to us... She gives me the same feeling as we get when we're around dad, you know?"

"Yeah." Cristal said before she started to tie her hair back a little when she was done, "Believe you me, I got that same feeling when I saw those dreams around your age."

"She's always talking to someone, and, always singing that lullaby... But... Whenever I listen to it, it always sounds sad and hurt... It's like she's crying out for help. I want to help her... But..." Destiny said as she looked to her hands, "... I don't know how..."

When Cristal was done, Destiny had finally turned to her. "Cristal... That lady in my--Well... I should say, our dreams... She's not someone we made up... Is she...?"

Cristal's expression changed slightly, before she gave a sigh and a pat on the head. "Come on." Cristal said, with a smile, "Let's go and grab breakfast! I swear, I'm so hungry I could eat a whole moose if I wanted."

Destiny had struggled to say something but stopped herself from doing so as she nodded, "Ye--yeah, okay."

After the two of them gotten dressed they proceeded down the hall towards the kitchen. Just as they arrived where the kitchen had been jointed with the living room, they saw a familiar man orange haired man passed out on the couch.

"Oh, looks like dad came home late..." Cristal said sadly, "... Again."

"I wonder what he had to do that made him come back home so late." Destiny wondered aloud.

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