Chapter 29

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So, I am thinking of making this book no more than 35 chapters, 40 at a push. I am going to try my very best to make it the best of my ability with how ever many chapters are left. To be honest, I feel this book is dragging, and I have other book ideas that I want to write. So thank you for reading my book. And in all honesty here, I am running out of inspiration to carry on writing this book. x

Allys POV

The day before James left was absolute hell. He packed for most of the day, we did manage hang out though. I helped him with folding his clothes, because lets be honest, no man can fold clothes in a good way. We laughed a lot, and that took away the pain of him leaving again for so long, he almost made me forget that all the boys were leaving us girls here. But atleast I still had Emily and Eleanor with me. James had also set me up with a twitter so I could see what he was up to without having to text him all the time.

When James left the airport a week ago, I broke down because now I don't have here physically with me and he is going to be gone for at least 2 and half months, maybe I can go see him while he's on tour with Emily and Eleanor? I don't know, its an idea.

Anyway, today was my first counciling session. And I was nervous as hell for it, what was I supposed to expect from it? Was it supposed to make me feel better about myself or what? I didn't know, but I guess I was going to find out. I had walked to the hospital and asked where I had to go for this session, and I was now making my way up the stairs and onto the ward thing.

"Hi, I've come for my councilling session" I said to the elderly woman behind the desk, who looked like she would rather be somewhere else than sat in a hospital all day.

"Name?" she asked quite coldly.

"Ally Birch" I told her and then she started typing something into the computer

"Take a seat in the waiting area please? Dr Carlile will be with you soon" That calmed my nervous a bit knowing that Dr Carlile was going to be with me and not someone I had never spoken to before. I went to sit down in the waiting area when I noticed that there was nobody else here. I sat down and played with the side of my jeans. I got bored of that and pulled up my jumper sleeves to look at my tattoo which was now fully healed, I traced my fingers across the fancy lettering  and smiled down at it. I loved it.

"Miss Birch?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see a woman in her early thirties standing by an open door. "Dr Carlile is ready to see you" She smiled before walking off in a different direction to the way I was going. I stood up and made my way to the door, I took a deep breath in and walked in. This room was pretty simple. There was a desk with a computer and piles or paperwork stacked up and of course Dr Carlile sitting by the desk, there was also another chair, situated in front of the desk so I sat down on that chair

"Hi Ally, how are you?"

"Not to bad actually thank you" I said truthfully

"Thats good to hear, now today I am just going to tell you how things work. This isn't somewhere where you are forced to talk about your feelings. I am just here to talk to you, help you with getting back on track with things. This has worked for many people, and they are over everything now and living a happy healthy life but unfortunately, these sessions for a few people did very little for them but I am not going to go into much detail about that. So firstly, would you like to talk about how you have been feeling lately?" He questioned, thinking about it I had never really opened up to someone, apart from Jack, but they were all mainly suicidal thoughts or stuff when I was feeling down.

"Uhm, apart from being totally rejected by my whole family and my best friend commiting suicide. I've been fine. And thats the truth. I had my 19th birthday a about a week ago and met so many different people. I got my first tattoo on my wrists, I have people who actually care about me and to be honest I don't think I've ever been this positive about life" I said, wow it felt weird telling someone how I truly felt. I hadn't even done this with James, but I knew this was confidential so I didn't have to worry about anyone finding all this out.

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